19. Hauntingly beautiful

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He took a deep breath at the piece of information. "I am so sorry."

A weak smile adorned her lips, and she shook her head. "It's okay. It has been years."

His gaze went towards the intricate manner in which the step well twisted and turned at every platform, each plinth leading his vision to two different paths. "So, the locket is of sentimental value?"

"Yes," she murmured. "Immense sentimental value. I had kept it packed for so long, but I was prompted to bring it to the trip." She caressed the locket yet again. "It's my favorite neckpiece."

He could barely nod his head. "It seems ancient, though."

"Uh... ye-yeah. It's... umm... it has been passed down through generations."

He fell silent, his mind going over the long list of confusions fogging his already clogged brain. He wished to find an explanation for all of it without having to confess his inner demons in front of anyone. At least not in front of the new girlfriend he had lest she run off in the opposite direction after learning of his shortcomings. "How did he die?"

She looked away to hide the sheen of moisture in her eyes. "Uh... accident."

He sensed the despondent blues coming off her stiffened posture. The croaky whisper gave it away too. He squeezed her shoulder in a gentle fashion. "You okay?"

She took a sharp breath and turned towards him with her lips curved upward. "Let's go. The rest of them might be waiting for us."


By the time Rudra and Shravani joined the others on the winding and sloping path near the main entrance of the citadel, it was to find Ranvir slipping a crisp currency note to the gatekeeper. The middle-aged pot-bellied man told them to reach the spot by 5:30 p.m. so that he could let them in before retiring for the day. Even the clique decided to head towards the nearby towns and explore the vicinity before gathering supplies to stay the night inside Bhangarh Fort.

As they commenced sauntering towards the exit point, chattering and cackling while pulling each other's legs, Rudra did not feel like indulging in the banter. He was experiencing an inexplicable tug to remain stationed inside the fort for the rest of his life, for this was home. His home. But he willed himself to overwhelm the other nagging feeling and proceed towards the exit with the rest of his friends.

The winding path amidst the green hills surrounding the citadel carried them forth as they frolicked, clicked snaps, and gossiped. The arched gateway to the fort was perceptible in front of them, and though the rational part of Rudra's brain told him to not turn back, a small part of his heart caved, and he found himself twisting his body, craning his neck, and looking up at the main palace perceptible at a distance. However, that was not the only thing he could see. Atop a nearby hillock, acting as a crown to the royal palace, was a small enclosure fashioned out of what seemed like white marble. The age of the structure was responsible for the yellowish hue adorning the surfaces while fissures had mosses and creepers growing wild. A few trees and shrubs were hiding the square-shaped enclosure from plain sight, but he could perceive the four pillars supporting the structure while a thatched roof above embellished the place. The sides were open with enough space for two adults to stand side by side. He had to blink a few times to ensure he wasn't imagining things, but he could surely see the silhouette of someone standing. She was dressed in bridal attire, red in hue, and her hands held onto the sturdy pillars.

He pointed at the edifice. "What is that?"

Their guide turned around to follow his line of sight. "Oh." He chortled. "That's where the magician used to sit and practice dark magic. If fables are to be believed, he used to hang festoons fashioned out of human skulls on the posts while he chanted curses in the middle of the night. The royal family was aware of his misdemeanor, and not everyone was courageous enough to challenge him, for he was a mighty powerful man. Even in death, he was able to curse an entire township of people. Despite the rest of the city having roofless ruins, his abode remains intact to this day. A classic exhibit of the range of his powers."

The Haunted Fortress of Bhangarh: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now