Well then

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My Beta is a fahking bitch ass motherfahking potato! A low growl reverberated through my chest at the thought of his hands on my princess. I was going to chew his ass for this "little" stunt. With each stroke, my powerful arms sliced through the calm and salty water. Soon enough I was able to touch the soft, sandy sea floor. Not a minute had gone by and I was picking up his sent on the shore. It was a masculine, pine odor that was all to easy to pick up with my enhanced ability to smell.

I followed the trail up to the top of the rock cliff that had a perfect overview of the Ocean. A small smile crept up on to my face as I thought of how much my little mate would love to come up here just before sunset. Over our morning brunch she had mentioned how much she loves sun, and the effect it has when it "leaves" the sky and then returns again the next day. Layla's exact words were "I love the sun, almost more than I love being outdoors. I adore the way the sun rises to greet the sky softly, almost as if it is caressing it. I love the way it seems as if they share a slow kiss that makes the sun lighten, before it bursts into a fit of cheeriness. The way that the color and happiness takes explodes at a snail’s pace and then suddenly explodes in a passionate array of pastel hues." I remember she chuckled, a slight blush lighting up her features before she continued “Also I love the way they say goodbye. It's as if the sun is tormented at the loss, and fights to stay, but can't for long. The way the sun slowly dims as does the sky, as they are being broken apart by some invisible force. But they always return to each other every morning." She had smiled brightly at me at this point, and then went on to explain that she was competent and understood the science behind the sun rises and sets.

She was a ball full of surprises today.

Surveying the scene I noticed that John was sitting on the edge of the cliff, his head hung low. I sniffed and could tell that he had been crying softly. I awkwardly stood behind him, not sure of what to do, before I finally sat down next to him.

"Hey man," I whispered and he looked up, sorrow etched into his normally lethal eyes.

"She lost my pup," he murmured, as tears began to pool around his eyes. "I don't understand... How, Why?"

A pained look flashed across his normally playful features.

My wolf encouraged me to show some compassion towards him, even though he touched our mate. "You guys can always try again, and if I know anything about Hailey is that she would never do anything on purpose to hurt the child. Think rationally, it's a stressful time at the moment..." I paused "For all of us. As my third in command Hailey takes a majority of her time training, patrolling, and scheduling things. Her wolf must have decided that now was not the time for a baby. "

He nodded slowly. His dirty blonde hair stuck out at odd angles due to him running his hands through it. A look of contemplation crossed his features, and he scrunched up his beak like nose. His pale pink lips scrunching up as a menacing snarl ripped through him.

"It's your fault," he ground out through clenched teeth as I rose to my full height.

"You will not talk to me in such a fuck*ng way Johnathan," I spoke clearly, and with such authority that he flinched back.

"YOU stressed my mate out by giving her shit tons to do! You coaxed her wolf into giving up what we both wanted more than anything you sick fucking bastard!" He yelled, venom lacing his deep timbre voice.

"If it was too much for her then she should have spoken up. If it was too much for her I would have stripped her of the title I had bestowed upon her when it was made known I would be inheriting not one but two packs." I could feel my control slipping. . . I could feel my wolf coming to life beneath the surface of my skin. . . He hungered for the metallic taste of my Beta's blood. . .

It was evident John's reign over his wolf had already fell, as his eyes flashed amber then gold and back again. With the witch blood his mother gave him his eyes would sift through the two colors as both his wolf and magic soared through his veins at a rapid pace. The wind picked up and whipped my thick chestnut hair around.  

"Nicolas, Nicolas, Nicolas" He paused contemplating his words carefully before a fully evil grin settled on his masculine features. "You fuck*ed up, big time. Right when you found your silly little mate. Oh the pain I will inflict upon you and the pretty little thing. You deserve to feel the pain that you elicited upon my mate and I. I will make you pay."

A flash of agony went through his amber witch eyes as he felt the ties to the pack, ties to me, and ties to his title as beta were painfully ripped from him. Betraying everything he held dearest... It was gone. ..

The amber that encircled his large dark pupil began to come alight with a renewed anger as he zeroed in on the mark on my neck, I got in a defensive position. He took a large breath and closed his eyes, little did I know he was honing the small amount of power I knew he had.

A breath of a whisper escaped him, and with it a misty azure fell from his now purple lips. "Aufero caracterem" the blue fog quickly made its way to me, it followed my every movement as I tried to move out of it's way. In a split second it was around my neck. A chill spread from where it was tightly woven around my neck, anguish soon followed as I felt It attack the small silver flecked mark at the crook of my neck. A tormented his escaped my lips, as the pain felt as if my skin was being burned off. I didn't understand. . . I didn't understand anything that was happening in this moment. . . With pleading eyes I looked up to find a pale, grinning John watching with malice deeply rooted in his eyes.

Behind him was a seething------

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