Oh cool it is to be warm

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The car ride was long and slow. She wouldn't meet my eyes, and we sat there in silence. Layla looked at her phone then out the window and back to her phone constantly. Leaning over I snatched her phone.
"Wha-" she turned her stunning emerald green eyes on me. The anger in them was growing, and made here eyes seem even more mesmerising.
"You're quiet" I murmured keeping my eyes on the road and tightening my grip on the wheel.
"I have a lot on my mind" she stated looking back to the window.
"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" Glancing over at her I could tell she was listening and could hear the truthful ring in my rough voice.
"Do I? It's been less than a week! I barely know you and I have already spent the night in your bed! I'm confused about everything..." Layla's voice was climbing octaves, and becoming hysterical.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to rush you into things." Quietly I replied. A small frown began to grace my features, I turned my attention back to the road and gripped the wheel trying not to focus on the small pain in my heart that those words had created. My wolf whimpered quietly. Her gaze softened after awhile.

"It's okay" she smiled lightly and pulled my hand from my lap and laced it with hers. "We rushed everything, but I don't know... I liked it... I feel... Safe and more than happy and" she coughed a small blush grazing her porcelain cheek bones "more than a little uhm wet in uhem places"

"Is kitten embarrassed of being horny?" I snorted and she hit my hand like I was five and did something bad.
"Shut up..." she was blushing hard. "I've never been... that word before" she whispered before hitting me again, in the arm this time.
"So kitten-" she cut me off with a gentle squeeze of my hand.
"Shhh puppy dog" she giggled
"Hey hey hey now, I'm not a puppy or a dog missy" I smiled and gave her hand a squeeze back
"Surreeee," her phone buzzed from where it sat in my lap. Tilting her head to the side her dark brown hair cascaded over her shoulder as a devilish look crosses her soft features. Her hand brushed my leg as she Quickly snatched the phone from where it lie.

"My brothers just messaged me," she paused "it's a day and a half drive to the beach?"

"Yeah," I replied "it is. We own a few beach houses so we all can crash there whenever we get there. In the morning we'll head to the beach."

She nodded her head a bit, texting her brothers all I had said. After she was done a small yawn escaped her perfect lips. She closed her eyes and rest her head against the window. After about fifteen minutes and a lot of soft piano music that I totally had 'bumping' in the car her hold on my hand loosened. She had drifted Off to sleep. I pulled over to the side of the back road and so did the black jeep following close behind. I got out and carefully shut the door, as to not wanting to wake sleeping beauty my wolf suggest. Huh, never realized how mellow and lovey he could be. I chuckled quietly to myself and he went to sulk in the dark recesses of my mind.

Leaning against the hood I waited for the three brooding overly protective brothers to reach me. Taking a look around I realized the sun had finally set and the sky was turning charcoal in color. the rolling hills of the country land could barely be distinguished, even with my werewolf eyesight.

"What's the plan?" Jace, the bear like one asked.

"Well" I smirked a bit "It's about 9:00 and we'll reach the cabins around 5 or 6in the morning, there is a small town about two hours away."

"We should rotate shifts of driving then." Ethan nodded to Jake "you're up to drive"

"I'd like to take Layla out... on a date, besides the beach date. That's gonna be 'supervised' by you three." I cleared my throat "That okay? It's just gonna be a lunch or brunch date before we meet up. You kinda owe it to me, the beach was supposed to be a surprise."

"Listen here you little fu-" Jace began before Jake and Ethan stepped in.

Jake called from where he was holding Jace back a few yards away "It's cool man!"

A small smirk crept up on my face and I hopped back in the car. I started it up, looked behind me and then took off down the dark road.

The time was rolling around eleven and the crisp cold night was illuminated by a enormous creamy moon shining brightly in the midnight sky. A sign on the side of the road read "Galesville 8miles"

Both cars glided along silently through the night, it was something us werewolves loved; Predatory silence.

The scenery slowly began to change from rolling hills to cracked streets and finally the pristine road leading a winding path up to the five star hotel.

Coming to a smooth stop in front of a blood red clad valet, I got out and admired the twenty story high hotel suite before I walked around, handing the short boy with acne around his cheekbones my car keys. I pulled my sleeping Laylee from the car as he made his way to the trunk pull-up ing out my duffle and Layla's. "Take care of my baby" I growled without really meaning to. The Jeep pulled up where my car was only a few minutes ago.

Five bodies clambered out of the car, stretching and groaning about being packed in there for so long.

I adjust My angels legs so they were wrapped around my waist, so I was able to carry both our bags to the lobby. The five followed me through the rotations doors and into the grand lobby there was a chandelier that gave off a warm light that seemed to warm everyone's aura up as it was a cheerful and contagious glow. The marble floor added to the grandeur of the place. As always I didn't have time to admire the scene as I was to check in. I made my way to the front desk where a perky blond with an equally perky chest stated up at me with crystal sapphire eyes. "Hello" she battered her long lashes my way not paying attention my beautiful mate who was clinging to me at the moment. "And welcome to Marida, how may I assist you today?" she asked adding extra emphasis on the word 'I'.

"Yes well, I have reservations and I'm here to check in. I have six rooms reserved I believe under the name Brimmington" I put it simply and as formally as I could without sounding completely snobbish, but I did not want to entertain this girl with any ideas.

Her fake nails tapped away on the keyboard and a look of confusion crossed her features. "So sorry, We only have three rooms under that name, and we don't have any other rooms available for the night."

"Are you sure?" I asked perplexed and he nodded. I was going to have six angry people at me tonight." All right I guess we'll take them." She handed me the keys and gave me directions to the top fifth floor.

The five clambered over to me sleepily and held out their hands for their room keys. I dropped one into my betas hand since he had a mate he was gonna need the privacy for the night.

I put one in A groggy Laylee's hand and kept the last one for myself.

"So guys our other three reservations got canceled so I was thinking we should all share a room and give Layla a room?" Before all the words had left my mouth they were protesting.

"Layla can stay with us and you take the other room." Ethan murmured slinging her duffle on to his back.

I nodded, knowing that she would find her way to my room tonight since ours was a conjoining room. we all made our way to the elevator and endured the awkward and tense ride up. I had carried Laylee to the room and laid her on the bed which she protested profusely through mumbles of "Don't! too cold"

All the while I could only think: " oh cool it is to be warm" because her brothers ended up letting me stay as to not fully wake my Princess fully by leaving her.

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