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Home sweet home, I chuckled softly as I unlocked the door to my parents house. They'd been away for a few weeks, vacationing. Celebrating their soon to come freedom from responsibility in the islands. I pondered as I made my way upstairs stripping my jacket off in the process. The ride home was filled with Laylee's curious questions of the paranormal and supernatural.

"Alpha," a petite voice echoed from the corner of my room. My head whipped to where a rather tall she-wolf stood. Her name.. Angela? Amanda? Ally? "It's Amy, Alpha" her soft voice stated quietly.

"How may I help you, Amy?" I asked snapping into my role as alpha, it was most definitely time for me to review the members of the packs. A get together was being held in three days time, the same day that everyone would be going back to school.

Her voice hardened into one of absolute professionalism, "There were traces of the former Beta's scent around The Pently home. We believe that he's targeting her brothers, The hunters-"

I interrupted her, "Hunters?"

"Yes, the two older ones were last spotted talking to a group of well known hunters. It seems that they have gathered a large amount of weapons and a not so little black book." She continued to drawl on, but I stopped her with a flick of the hand. Immediately silencing her.

"They are of no threat to the supernatural world, they are not hunters. They've sought out these weapons as a form of protection from those that wish to harm their family," a sigh escaped me "Continue the report."

She nodded, and continued on "John is believed to be targeting the Hun-" she coughed to cover her mistake "the brothers as a way to show his loyalty to the pack. To show he's willing to take down threats for the good of the pack."

"I don't believe it," I ran my fingers through my hair before I spoke once more "have one of the best guarding my mate's house, double the patrol, and form a team of the best." I looked her straight in the eye "We're going hunting."


I was not going to let that bastard ruin anything more in my life. He had taken away most of my mate's mark, the part that would most definitely help in identifying what she is. The part that would take us one step closer to being fully one with another. It was too soon to attempt marking one another, especially for her to attempt marking me again. Her mark alone was intense, blinding, and overall an out of this world experience. The ancient texts have never mentioned a marking feeling like that, nor have they ever mentioned silver flecks to be left behind. Although, all text mentions how painful, staggering, and deathly the removal of a mark can be. My thoughts automatically went back to the afternoon the mark was essentially seared and torn out of me. It had felt as if a part of me was being destroyed piece by piece. A chasm of darkness had begun to fill me in those moments as I thought I'd be nearing my untimely death. The interruption must have saved me.

None of this was making sense to me, but one thing was solid in all of this

John was not a bad guy. His grief over the child must have had a more of an impact on him.

As soon as he was found, he'd be beaten and locked up for his treason. But my wolf and I believe in second chances, he will be demoted to nothing but a soldier. His mate would also have to step down or a rejection would have to take place. It was not forbidden to reject your mate, but the process was a torturous one for all involved. The sacred marks would have to be ripped from them, and next their bond would have to be shredded. The alternative to rejection was a much better option than loosing. They could even try again for a child, unless she could not find it in herself to forgive him. If she did reject him. I would lose two people close to me, in more ways than one.

This Means War Mr. AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now