To Screw or Not to Screw My English Homework That is

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In the distance I heard a familiar alarm begin to go off, quietly at first, slowly cresendoing into a blarring beeping noise. Groaning rather distraughtly, fumbling for the snooze button. Silence followed afterwards. I threw myself back onto the bed, snuggling up in my comforter with my pillow. Then it hit me, the intense need to use the washroom. Willing it to go away I snuggled deeper into my blankets, until it became unbearable. Scurrying down the hall and to the right, I made my way to the bathroom slamming the door shut.

After I finished washing my hands, I began going through my morning routine. Hopping in the shower, I rinsed and lathered my lengthy, raven tresses. Luxuriating in the feeling of my fingers moving through my silky hair. The smell of my peach conditioner filled my petite nose.

"Eye of the tiger" by Survivor began playing; signaling me that it was time to get out of the shower before the song ended. Hurriedly I squeezed some of my strawberry cream body wash into my hand and began furiously cleaning myself. Living with 3 older brothers, my mom taught me, can be hard especially when it comes to bathroom time.Thinking of my mother brought a slight ache to my heart.

My brothers are total bathroom hogs. Literally every inch of this bathroom is covered with their hair products, shavers, creams, and some things I'd rather not mention, like the flavored condoms. Which I just knew had to be Jace's. Freaking idiot, I thought to myself rolling my eyes a bit.

I had exactly 10 minutes top in the shower every day, before one of the three brutes would begin pounding on the door like a maniac.

Quickly drying off, I slipped into my black bra and pantie set before I made the mad dash to my room.

Sadly, I take forever picking out my clothes to wear, so every morning I pick a clean set of undergarments and make my way to the washroom and when I'm done I high tail my ass back to my room to finish changing.

I turned off the rest of my alarms for the day. It was 6am and I was waiting for those bastards to hurry up, so they could take me to school already. Ethan was the oldest out of my three brothers. He was turning 21 in three weeks which meant I needed to get up a present. Since he'll be legally allowed to drink I was thinking of shot glasses with his favorite football teams sports logo on it. Jace was the second oldest, he'll be turning 20 in a few months, and Jake was the youngest of the three at 17years old.

I, on the other hand was the baby of the family, I'm only sixteen even though I swear I look like I'm ten. My brothers are 6'3" and here I am, the baby of the family, only 5'2". It drove me crazy being this short. My brothers knew it too. They used to always pick on me, because I was so tiny. Now they are just overly protective, due to my shortness and their idiocy. Each and everyone of them think I can't take care of myself.

Sighing, I pull out my iPod and put each headphone carefully in and then I turn on my soothing morning music. Which consisted of a lot of Bach and Beethoven.

Slowly I feel myself begin to relax and sway to the music. Today was my first day back to school, and I just knew it was going to be different this time around.

A pounding on my door snapped me out of my trance like state, ripping my headphones out of my ears I jump up and hurry after the huge figure scurring away down the stairs. A childish thought popped into my head and today I decided to act on it. Catching up to Jace I jumped on his back, "Morning Big bro," I sing songed as I held on for dear life.

"What the hell are you doing, get off me, It's too early to carry youuu" he whined, but carried me down the stairs anyways. I was almost positive I weighed almost nothing to him. Jace was well built, he was a wrestler but he switched to kick boxing. Now he works down at a local gym training people. He'll be leaving for college in a week, which meant he was moving out.

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