mini episode

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Heart stuck

The sun shines over ever after high. As pixies are opening flowers. As cupid stood on a balcony.

Male narrator: spring time at ever after high love is in the air.

Female narrator: and so is pollen

Cupid then sneezes which causes her bow and arrows to fallen. Which hunter picks up and takes them to a archery ranges as he goes to fire one. Y/n walks by. Y/n recognizes what he has.

Y/n: hunter what are you crazy what are you doing with cupid's bow.

Hunter: Relax Y/n just one bulleyes then I'll return it.

Y/n: hunter be smart just return the bow. Because if I end getting chased trust me not even rosabella will stop my pet understand.

Hunter: yeah yeah

Y/n walked towards the school. Despite his warning hunter shot arrow after arrow then just shoots them all.

Hunter: bulleyes like I said no problem.

He soon realized that not a single arrow hit it's target. Little did he know what he has done. Around the school people where hit by the arrows.  Y/n and some other students were in the library working on their group projects.

Y/n: I'm telling you a evil flytrap will be a B

Cruise: I agree with him

Darling: hm ok well what do you two have.

As a student opened the library doors love arrows fly in hitting everyone.

Y/n: I'm going to hurt hunter.

Cruise and Darling where looking at Y/n when they got hit by love arrows. Y/n turns and sees them.

Y/n: cruses hunter I'm going to make you pay. Girls I'm sure we can talk about this

Cruise: yeah we can talk about when we are going to have our our wedding spring, summer,fall or winter.

Darling: we can talk about what we are going to name our children.

Y/n jumps out the window in the library.

Y/n: balance breaker

 Y/n: at least I'm safe for now

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Y/n: at least I'm safe for now.

Cruise: not for long

Y/n looks behind him to see cruise and darling on a dragon chasing him.

Y/n: I hate this place sometimes.

With raven and apple

Raven: what going on cupid can't you spell everyone back to normal

Cupid: you can't stop love it's a force of nature.

Hunter: pls hid me from Y/n

Raven: nu hu he warned you.

Hunter: I thought he was joking.

Y/n flys into the school thought a window. As his armor disappears he gives hunter a death stare.

Y/n: pls tell me there is way to stop this

Cupid: you can't stop love it's a force of nature.

Y/n: yeah so is hate just saying not unless you have grown mood Roses.

Cupid: Y/n your a genius

Y/n: alright what ever you do make it fast.

Raven: why

Y/n: I'm being chased by cruise and darling on a dragon.

Cupid returns with some white Rose's.
Some people had yellow which was friendship. Red ment romance which a few more had. While only a select few had pink which means to be together for ever after.

Y/n had two Rose's and hands them to Cruise and Darling. The Rose's turn pink. Raven had a rose from which she took just to see something the flower turned pink.

Y/n was sitting on the steps of school while hunter was being chased by Y/n pet.

Y/n was sitting on the steps of school while hunter was being chased by Y/n pet

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Raven sat beside him.

Raven: are you being mean to hunter.

Y/n: nah well just a little I mean after all the trouble he put me thought yeah. So what did u want to talk about.

Raven: well you remember the flower you gave me.

Y/n: yes why

Raven: um it sorta turned pink so did Cruise and darling Roses.

Y/n: but how can that be it's not possible.

Raven: y/n do you mean to tell me that you are doubting your own heart.

Y/n: Raven what you are talking about doesn't seem possible. But there have been certain times something like this has happened.

Raven: there is

Y/n: yeah Raven I have something I've been meaning to give you

Raven: what is

Y/n leans in to like he was going to tell her a secret. Raven does the same only to be surprised when he took her lips in a kiss as they pull apart.

Cruise and darling were standing in front of them

End mini episode

Save me Y/n

On a cliff overlooking the school.

Male narrator: damsel in distress class is in session.

Teacher: now damsels when you are rescued by your hero you want to look your best

Raven: oh gag like I'm gonna be worried about my hair if I'm about to be dragon chow

Apple: well

Before she could finish they hear a roar which turned out to be the teacher with a  record player.

Teacher: that roar could have been dragons breathing down your neck

Apple: so looking cute and helpless is our first defense.

Darling: rule 23 a damsel retains the element of surprise at all times

Teacher: very good darling a plus as usual. Our hero will be Y/n.

Raven and darling both try to hid the small blush on their faces

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