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It was cold.


Taehyung shivered, forming his hands into fists in his coat pockets as he walked hastily towards Jimin's Goods.

Taehyung was sure that Jimin was going to be shocked by his arrival with his newfound 'friend,' but what other way to introduce Jungkook to him without him calling Taehyung crazy and delusional beforehand?

At least Jimin would be his witness to reassure that he wasn't seeing things and that Taehyung really did see Jungkook.

Yet, he still couldn't help but feel an anxious feeling picking at several thoughts crashing within his brain as he pulled open the store's door, getting hit with that sweet fragrance for the second day in a row.

However, to his surprise, Taehyung didn't spot a Jimin behind the counter smiling brightly with his slightly dirty apron as he handed the customer there their order. Instead, there stood Jin.

"Have a good day and come back soon!" Taehyung heard Jin exclaim as he approached the counter, the customer he was just talking to leaving.

"Taehyung?" Jin questioned, his eyes wide and mouth hanging a little open.

"Erm, hey, Hyung." Taehyung mumbled, giving Jin a small nod.

Silence drifted over them for a few moments, making Taehyung feel queasy at the awkward feeling.

Jin leaned against the counter, scanning Taehyung over before speaking again. "We haven't seen you in so long I-I just..." Jin trailed off, looking down instead of completing his sentence.

Taehyung sighed. "Jin Hyung~, you know that I've been busy with work and everything. It's not like I want to avoid you guys I-"

"Was it work that stopped you from speaking to us ten years ago?" Jin suddenly cut Taehyung off, the tone of his voice growing cold.

Taehyung stayed silent.

"I understand that you needed your time, Tae, but you've literally only let Jimin be the one to come into your life. You just cut the rest of us off, barely giving us any attention. We wanted to help, you know. We wanted to be there for you." Taehyung could feel Jin's eyes still locked on his face, but he didn't need to feel hurt even more by them.

Jin let out a breath, a scoff hidden within it. "Anyway, Jimin had something to do today with Yoongi, so he isn't here today, if you wanted to talk to him." Jin answered Taehyung's question that was lingering inside of his head. "If you need something, just ask the trainee over there, Seonghyeon."

Taehyung raised his head a little, watching as Jin picked up a pen in front of the cash register before heading off towards the back.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and looking up at the ceiling as he did so.

He just didn't know what to do.

Taehyung would gladly do anything to fix whatever happened between him and the rest of their group of friends, but he didn't know the first thing on how to.

He can't just magically fix something that's been damaged over the course of several years in one day.

Rummaging through the endless worries racing through his mind, Taehyung turned to sit at a table as he waited for Jungkook. Just as he was moving towards an empty table, however, the door opened, causing the bell above to ring. Taehyung looked up, and like he had summoned him from his thoughts, Jungkook walked in.

The boy spotted Taehyung instantly, giving him a wave and a big smile before rushing over.

"Hey! Sorry if I was late, I kinda woke up late." Jungkook let out a light chuckle at the last part before setting down his black beanie on the table in front of them.

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