Anger masking Sadness

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At the Membrane home: 3rd pov:
Sora was in her room, listening to her music while reading a book, until it was late into the night. She got hungry so she shifted her eyes into cat eyes so she could see at night instesd if using the lights which might wake up some people. She made her way down stairs quietly as she could until she reached her destination but as she soon as she grabbed the handle of the fridge a light came on making her whip her head around seeing Gaz stand there wide eyed staring at her so quickly rubbed her eyes while they back to normal "oh hey Gaz what are doing up so late?" She asked nervously while Gaz remained awe struck but came back to reality "i heard something which turned out to be and secind why were your eyes all cat like?" She asked sora chuckled a bit "Contacts Gaz Dad's new invention they help us humans see better at night but they turn back to normal when ya rub them" She lied while Gaz gave her a questioning look before shrugging "Okay well i came for a soda so get one for me will ya?" She asked so Sors handed her a soda before grabbing a container of Chicken Alfredo for herself and they wemt back to their own rooms quietly. Sora leaned agianst the door sighing in relief because she almost blew her cover. In the morning Sora walked to school early leaving her siblings behind since they went with dad to work because she went last time which was a shocker for everyone when they saw her already at school alone. Everyone murmured to themselves or quietly gossiping to each other about why she was alone today. She looked around making everyone shut up quickly, she rolled her eyes until she saw Zim approach her which made her smile " Hey Zim and before you ask no my siblings arent here they are with dad today" She staed while he nodded at her and he told her about how his Tallests were great. Tehy hung out a lot but a couple weeks later when Zim was talking about his Leaders until she shut him up at lunch "Zim im sorry but it sounds like they bainshed you and are just toying with you and they just plain out stupid like seriously Your race needs new leaders or something" She stated flatly which pissed him off greatly and he got up "My Tallests see how great i am! You know nothing you.... You PATHETIC STUPID INSOLENT EARTH WORM BABY YOU MEAN NOTHING TO ZIM YOU BE USEFUL TO ME AS A SLAVE NOTHING MORE! IM JUST USING YOU FOR MY PLANS!" He yelled at her in the heat of the moment because his mouth moved quicker than his brain did which took her by surprise but he soon realized his mistake when her eyes went cold as ice making him shrink back while everyone around him looked at their table in shock and waited to see what she would do. She got up slapping hin across the face before taking her leave but she stopped looked over her shoulder "Dont come near me or my family again Zim, I thought you were my friend but apparently you fit right in with the rest of the jerks" she hissed as tears went down her face before taking her leave, but little did anyone know that she was heart broken but she refused to show it. She protected her brother but when she was jumped she let them beat her up to a bloody pulp because they knew when she was alone she was vulnerable because everyone knew she in a weakened state. Dib grew worried about her so did Gaz even their Dad took a couple days off so he could help with her injuries when she came home but one day she didnt show up. Zim knew what he had down but he couldnt find the words to apologize to her and it ate at his squeedly spooch. Gaz cornered Zim and began beating him up asking where their sister was but she found out he knew nothing. Zim was out and about looking for her even at her favorite spots when she wanted to be alone but found her no where, it was like see disappeared. A day later Professor Membrane recieved a letter from Sora saying she was abroad going to school and she would be back when she was ready to return. He told Dib and Gaz about the letter which sadden them but soon everyone at school forgot about Sora except for Zim, Dib and Gaz. Dib was picked on here and there but Gaz would save his butt now and then, Zim continued to try to take over the Earth until he learned that Sora was right about his leaders. Soon he stopped calling them, He grew a lot as a couple of years went by but he kept the fascade that he was still trying to take over the earth but he was actually searching for Sora but he couldnt find her at all until they reached Highschool, when the Membranes recieved a letter that she was coming back soon. The day of her arrival sent shock waves when the teacher entered the class room, "Students welcome back a old classmate She has been abroad for the past couple of years you may inside now Miss Membrane" He stated as Sora walked into the class room with her long black and purple hair flowing behind her then faced the class with a small fale smile "I would say Im glad to be back but that would be a fucking lie" she stated sweetly with a closed eyed smile "Any questions?" She asked, some raised their hands so she picked at random, "Why did you leave?" "Who are you again?" " Arent you a little young to have a tattoo on your face?" Some asked as she sighed "I left for a better education, Im Dib's older sister, and Tbh i dont care i wanted one" she sighed when Jessica laughed and smirked "I still see you are a slut from the way you dress Sora" She snickered while Sora just smiled "Im sorry but Im not fucking Mirror Jessica" she stated making snicker at the burn she gave Jessica who was fuming mad "I has a question" A Familiar voice stated making Sora's eyes widen a bit before she turned her head towards Zim who was giving her a blank look "Im not answering any questions from you Zim" she spat before taking her seat in the back near the other door. Zim watched her walk by him as he felt his squeedly spooch tighten into knots, He took how her attutide has changed as well as her appearnace but she still held that scary dominant aura around her. Sora remained silent while drawing in her book until class was over but before she could leave Zim grabbed her arm stopping her while the other students left but as soon as they were alone she round house kicked him across the room "Dont touch me Zim and dont come near me or it will be worse next time" She hissed at him before leaving, Zim held his gut while wide eyed watching her leave but he smirked a bit "This will be a Challenge but it shall be interesting" he chuckled, he tried to get her attention or corner her alone but at the end of the day it was futile. He was battered, and bruised after all his failed attempts to get her to talk to him. Dib found this amusing when he saw Zim limp away in defeat but he knew Zim wouldnt give up just yet, but he had to agree with Zim that his sister has changed but he couldn't tell if it was for good or the bad just yet. Dib followed Sora to a dark alleyway and hid behind a dumpster when he saw Jessica and her little group surround Sora. He was about to step up amd help but he stopped when he heard her laugh at them "You really think You amd your little hoes can gang up on me and beat me to a bloody pulp hahahaha thats a good one" Sora chuckled while wiping a fake tear from her eyes "oh you think you so bad Bitch? With ya new get up well guess what you are still the same little bitch in elementary" Jessica scoffed as a smirk plastered on her face while ger group giggled and nodding agreeing with her "Well what are you waiting for come and get me you poorly package horse shit" Sora stated, Dib watched in horror when they pulled out knives, pipes and bats, but what scared him the most was watching his own sister fight them, he witness how brutal his own sister can be but he had to stop her when she grabbed Jessica but the throat as blood trickled down from her head but he ran up to his sister as she was about the drag a knife down Jessica's face "Sora stop this!" He yelled tackling his sister causing her to drop jessica and the knife. She whipped her head around growling at the intruder who ruined her fun but she instantly calmed down seeing it was Dib hugging her so she sighed calmed down before looking at Jessica shifting her eyes blood red starling her "Jessica i suggest you and your little group leave me alone and if i hear my name or my family's name come from your mouth i will do worse" Sora stated coldly while watching Jessica and her group scramble away as her eyes went back to normal "Dib you let go now amd Im sorry you had to see that" she stated as he slowly let go when she turned to face him "Sora that was overboard! You could've killed them!" He yelled at her while just stared at him then she remembered something "Oh yeah Dib you were right about Zim and dont but into my fights again" she growled at the last part making him flinch and he watched her walk away.

A family secret?! - Invader ZimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon