Meeting Zim

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3rd pov: 

it was just another day to Sora since she she was just sitting out on the play ground at skool underneath a tree waiting for school to be over. when the bell rang, she saw her brother chase some green kid with his Alien handcuffs 'oh god he chasing another kid because he think he is an alien' she thought, she hid in the in an alley before shifting he arms into wings and took off into the sky following them until they stopped at Zim's house and she landed on the side walk  in the smoke quickly going back to normal "Ahem" she cleared her throat making Dib freeze and shut up which he slowly turned around seeing a harsh glare set on him "Dib what in the living hell are you doing?" she asked sternly making him sweat and chuckle nervously which made her sigh "I dont want to know because i saw everything so get home now before i drag you" she stated making him scramble home quickly and she took a good look at the house before turning around to head home to give dib a stern talking to. Little does she know was that the alien race that killed her planet was in that house planning on taking over new home. After a month, she was allowed to go back to school, she noticed that the new kid named Zim while they were walking up to the school and she looked him up and down taking notes on his appearance "Hey sis if you like him then go tell him "Gaz joked not looking up from her game, making Sora's face turn red "I don't like him Gaz besides I don't need a boy in my life" she huffed looking at Gaz who was snickering before pausing her game to talk to her while dib was glaring at Zim.

Zim's pov:

I was on my way to school when i felt eyes on me so i looked around finding dib-stink glaring and his sister unit Gaz who was talking to another Filthy Female worm baby who had her back turned towards me but omething told me she isnt like the others. I noticed she seemed taller than them both but i must find out who she is. Who know what the dib has told her bu i couldnt help but notice that the others avoided her and they began to whisper to each other +oh god she is back" one said "we better keep away from dib sine she is back i dont want to end up in the hospital" another whispered "lets hope everyone smart enough keeps away from Dib before they get hurt" a teacher stated while smoking a cigeratte 'they all seem scared of this girl maybe i should befriend her' i thought as i rubbbed my hands together while chuckling to myself. When i get to class i noticed her and Mrs bitters were talking to my shock was that Mrs. Bitters seemed less bitter when that girl was around but when i looked around everyone's look told me it was normal so i sat down in my seat keeping my own this girl. When she turned around everything seemed to slow down when her eyes meet mine, i noticed she was walking to me causing everyone to whisper until she glanced around the room with an ice cold glare shutting their mouths up and it sent shivers up my spine. She stood before me, i could sense her power just like when i am around my tallest and she shocked me when she bowed at me "Im sorry for all the trouble my little brother dib has caused you Zim" she stated making everyone go wide eyed, and i heard some faint but when she rose I felt my face heat up "I-its fine" I mumbled looking down and she nodded before holding out her hand so I shook her hand "I'm Sora Dib's older sister If ya ask everyone around here I'm pretty sure they will tell you all kinds of things but don't believe everything" she stated giving me a closed eye smile which made me noticed that half of her face was covered and she left the classroom. I heard whispers behind me and I sat there frozen, "Zim probably sensed the deadly aura she was caring" "yeah I mean look at him he is frozen stiff" "I thought I never see her apologize to annoy but I mean dib never bullies anyone else" they whispered amongst themselves when I noticed dib looked shocked, angry and upset bout what just happened. When the bell rang everyone made their way to lunch, I grabbed my tray of this goo and I saw that the girl from early sitting with Dib-stink and their little sister unit. Dib looked like he was telling her off but she looked at him with a amused expression on her face while she ate so i walked over to them which eyes fell on me before i could tap on her shoulder dib spoke up "What do you want ZIM?" he hissed making her turn to towards with a curious look on her face "I just want to speak to your older sister unit here"I cleared my throat while i kept eye contact with her then turned my attention to Dib "Stay aw-""sure Zim" she stated cutting dib which made me smirk at his shocked expression. i left the lunch room with the girl in tow and once we were alone "so what is it Zim?" she asked crossing her arms and I gulped a bit "Zim wants to be friends with you human" I stated which  made her narrow her eyes at me "Okay what do you want from me?" she asked sternly until some girls showed up "aww look another one confessing their feelings to her" she joked making me narrow my eyes at her "Zim doesn't know what you are talking about you filthy human" I stated as I heard someone sigh "What is it now Jessica?" she sighed with annoyance and This Jessica chuckled at her "Oh I want nothing from you whore" she spat so I stood there watching them silently "I know what you are Jessica why do keep reminding me?" Sora asked with a bored tone which made Jessica mad "Girls you know what to do" she stated snapping her fingers and I was captured by a two girls who held me by my arms "augh let go of Zim at once!" I yelled at them which one of them smacked my head "be quiet and just watch the show" one hissed as I looked up at Sora who looked angry but stood still "Let him go he has nothing to do with this Jessica" she stated coldly while Jessica just laughed "well I will only let him go if you don't fight back you bitch" She growled while Sora clenched her fist but soon looked at Jessica calmly "Fine go ahead I wont fight back" she stated coldly and I watched, one of them punched her in the face but she didn't move a muscle until one of them kicked her in the gut knocking her down soon they start kicking her relentlessly until one of them grabbed a pipe handing it to their leader of their group just as when Sora was trying to get up she brought down the pipe on her back causing her to let out a groan of pain ' she isn't going to scream out in pain like they want.... she is either tough or stupid' I thought until I felt something splatter across my face until I looked at Sora who was bleeding out from different spots and Jessica looked at me "I'm guess you are new here kid let you know a little secret here that Bitch standing over there is serial killer, I'm sure not one told you but listen up" She stated while I kept my eyes on Sora who looked at me with sorrow and immense pain " Sora there went ballistic when one of her brother's bullies sent him to the hospital when she was expelled from some school for a week and when she came back she was the last one to see him alive because they found his body a week later they say it was an animal attack but we all know it was her" Jessica stated but I just laughed at her then spat in her face"That human there killed another human that's hilarious, Zim isn't afraid of a puny human like her or yourself" I stated glaring at her while her group surround me until I noticed Sora get up slowly and she quickly grabbed me pulling me towards her "I let you do what you wanted to me now you better hold your end of the bargain Jessica or i could just show them this video tape for attempted murder on just rumors" Sora stated while holding a video camera "you bitch you tricked me?!" Jessica screeched while the wounded female laughed at her "I didn't have to trick you simply fell into my hands so easily" she stuffed the camera in her pocket while she looked at Jessica with a wicked grin "You know if i actually did that to that bully I probably have no problem doing it again right?" she asked causing the girls to pale and quickly scramble away from us but when she turned towards me, i let put a gasp seeing how badly injured this earthling was covered in bruises, scratches, cuts, her right eye was swollen shut with a bleeding gash right above it and she had the pipe in her side while blood trickled from her nose, mouth, ears, and down her arm but she smiled at me "You are safe now Zim I need to go home....." she murmured before blacking out and I quickly caught her before I cleaned up the mess because I didn't want them to think I tried kill someone it would ruin my mission. I scooped her up carefully when the I heard dib-stink calling out for her so i ran out of the school with her while using my pak legs.

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