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3rd pov:

She made it to his base with 3 minutes to spare, so she made her way to his door watching the gnomes watch her when she knocked on the door only to be greated by a green dog 'must be the cute little robot' she thought and she kneeled down in front of him "hello cutie Is your Master Zim home?" she asked softly petting the top of his head and it looked like he smiled "Yes master is home Im making waffles want some?" he asked lettig her inside and she set her bag on the couch "Oh i would love some but maybe later? why dont you bring some to ZIm and tell him im here" she asked taking a seat on the floor watching GIR nod excitiedly before leaving to get waffles and zim. She looked around the room seeing it was trashed so she went to the kitchen looking for trash bags and cleaned up the house part of Zim's base and when she was done she spotted Disguised Zim at the kitchen door way looking shocked and surprised at the clean house "i hope i didnt over step but i really dont like messes and who's toy pig is tis?" she stated while gir ran up to her hugging her waist whiel grabbing th piggy "Thank you so much I wuv you Beautiful lady" GIR whisper and she couldnt help it but pick him up "Awwww i wuv you too Gir now be a good dog and take the trash out for me ill give you a snack?" she asked booping his button nose and he nodded taking the trash out "Zim ummm thanks you but you didnt have to i shouldve had GIR clean before your arrival"He mumbled, He was suspicious of her when she arrived since she was dib's sister and she didnt freak out abut GIR, He couldn't figure out she could be so calm about this when other's weren't. Zim got lost in thought failing to notice she was in front of him until she poked his cheek "Hello? Zim I'm supposed to tutor you Lets start" She stated surprising him "Oh uh yes we can do that in my uh room" he stated trying to find the words and she nodded grabbing her bag after hand GIR a bag of chips. She followed him to a normal looking elevator she didn't see before but then again she was trying escape and when the elevator got a little rocky knocking her of balance, Zim grabbed her waist when she was about to fall. She opened her eyes looking into his eyes as he did the same but he quickly helped her to her feet "Ah sorry this thing is um new and has a few bugs" Zim mumbled offering his hand to her and she took his hand into hers "thanks for um keeping me hitting the floor Zim" She stated glancing at him while she was having an internal battle with her self since she never gave any boy attention and when she did she always got hurt last time that happened she killed him in her wolf form and swore to never let that happen again ' no boy let alone an alien boy would like me like that unless it was for my looks or they wanted something I wasn't going to give away like the other girls' she thought before tightening her grip gaining his attention which he noticed she looked conflicted "So what has Dib-sti..."he stopped when he met her cold eyes "err Zim means what did dib tell you about Zim?" he asked correcting himself since he couldn't help but feel her dominance over him like when he was around his tallest but he fears to say she was worse "well he told me you are an alien even showed me a blurred picture which I couldn't really make it out what or who it was and i believe him but i don't want to expose you unlike my brother" she stated when they reached their reached their destination so she pulled her hand away from his and got of the elevator with him following her before retaking the lead "Zim will admit that you aren't stupid like the other humans" he stated, opening the door to his nest\room letting her in first, she went inside looking around his noting his bed was round and big then there a TV and what looked like a DVD player on top of a dresser "You may sit on my ne-bed if you would like and we can start this Tutoring thing" Zim stated when she sat down and he joined her soon she was teaching her ways of learning things in school. She shared her snacks with him, he was eating quickly like he hasn't eaten in days so she didn't stop him until he reached for chocolate muffin with chocolate chips. She hissed at him putting them on the other side of her while took note of this "You can eat the rest but not my muffins they are my favorite" She mumbled taking a sip of her drink but soon as she took a big sip, Dib busted in "Zim don't you touch he- ack" He was cut of when she did a spit out being startled and covered Dib in soda "Dib! how did you get inside my base?!" Zim yelled while both boys argued, GIR helped and made sure Sora was alright. She looked up to see the boys fighting, Dib knocked Zim's wig off 'might as well fake surprise' she thought and faked gasped making the boys freeze on the spot "See sis he is an alien" Dib stated which received a glare from her making him close his mouth which was amusing to  Zim and she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose "Dib I know he is an alien and quite frankly don't care" she stated looking at Dib and what she saw hurt, he looked betrayed "So you are siding with him! the Alien over your brother!" he yelled at her surprising her making her look down and she balled her hands  up then sighed "Believe what you want Dib" she looked away which made Dib regret what he said to her "Look I'm-"" computer get rid of the intruder!" Zim yelled cutting him off and wires wrapped around Dib taking him away just when he saw Zim place his hand on his sister's shoulder with a worried look 'Zim is worried about my Sister...... He going to use her!' he though as he was tossed outside. Sora put on a fake smile infront of Zim "Im fine Zim dont worry Its normal between Siblings, so lets go back tutoring" she stated while Zim didnt looked convinced but he decided to question it later. After a couple of hours Sora left Zim's base and went home straight to her room giving Dib the cold shoulder along with the Silent treatment. She still protected him from bullies but didnt speak a word to him and she would hang out with Zim to get to know him better "So why are you giving The Dib the cold shoulder and silent treatment?" Zim asked making her sigh at this and crossed her arms looking down "Because He thinks i choose you over him, I mean i can be friends with anyone want to right? But i guess he doesnt care about how i feel about it" She mumbled sadly which pulled on Zim's squeedly spooch to see her this upset about it. So after school, he grabbed Dib pulling him into a empty classroom "What do you want now Zim?! Whatever it is I will stop you!" Dib stated while Zim growled at him before shoving him to the ground surprising Dib at his aggressive behavoir "Dib-stink has hurt Sora, you should be more appreciative towards her for using her energy to protect you instead of insult her for wanting to be friends with Zim!" Zim yelled while glaring at Dib in a hateful manner "Zim Im trying to protect her from you! You are just going to use her for one of your evil plans to take over the earth!" Dib protested until Zim grabbed him by the throat "Zim doesn't plan on doing that to Her, Your sister unit is far more understanding of Zim than anyone and has this Dominance aura around her!" He hissed while Dib looked scared of Zim's new behavior which scares him and Zim let him go heading towards the door "You better apologize to her since you hurt her Dib-stink or i will make you" Zim hissed before slamming the door behind him, Dib was left in shock while his thoughts came crashing "Whats up with Zim? Why does he suddenly care about someone!? What did my sister do to make him like this?" He stated out loud before he headed out to go home until He bumped into Sora who ignored him but before she could walk away he grabbed her arm "Sis please acknowledge me Look im sorry okay I was trying to protect you like you protect me. I trust your judgement but i dont trust Zim! Im afriad he goung to use you for one of his schemes to take over the world!" Dib pleaded while she rolled her eyes before sighing "Im glad you apologize Dib but have Faith in me I know what i am doing okay?" She stated softly before hugging him and he nodded returning the hug.

A family secret?! - Invader ZimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang