Y/n - whatever guys *laughing*


Riley - same but we here so now we can eat :)

We make it to the sand and we head to the fire. They all notice us and run over. Tayler takes the bag out of Riley's hands and then payton takes one of mine.

"Thanks pay" I say and he smiles. We walk together and we set out a sandwich for everyone. They were pretty big ngl but, it wasn't too much where we wouldn't finish them. ( omfg 💀)

I grab my Italian out of one of the bags and we all start to eat. I grab a drink out of the cooler I was sitting on and grab out a soda for everyone.

I hand Tayler, bryce, payton, Addison, Charli, Noah, me and Riley a coke and then I give Blake, tony, ondreaz, Jordan, and everyone else a Dr Pepper.

They all open them and thank me. We start to eat and we talk about some random things, Like the trip and how my mom and payton's mom are now on vacation, AND more about each other.

                                - convo -

Payton - wait, we never finished the getting to know each other.

Y/n - Oh right.

Tayler - Who already went? Jordan, Addison and .. bryce? That's all I believe.

Y/n - yep. Tayler. You should go.

Tayler - alright.

I'm Tayler -
- I'm 22
- I'm like the adult of the group and am a brother to everyone here
- I don't drink or party
Well kinda. I go to party's just don't go and get shit faced with everyone.
- And I go to church

Jordan - I don't like drinking either. Even though I'm underaged and am not allowed to.

Tayler - I know what you mean

Charli - I wanna go next!

okay. I'm Charli
- I'm 16 years old
- I'm a dancer
- I hate chase Hudson
- and everyone says Me and my sister are twins

Jordan - wait. Whose chase and You're not twins?

Charli - exactly my point but he's my ex

Jordan - Oh. Sorry for asking

Charli - no it's okay. You were curious and there was no big deal.

Jordan - I'm just gonna say, Y'all seem very mature for your ages.

Noah - Why thank you but, I don't think so much of Bryce

Blake - Yea, he shits himself every 2 seconds.

Jordan - o-oh, was not expecting that but okay

We all starts laughing and he lets one out

Y:n - BRYCE!"

Bryce - Oops

Jordan - oh my- I see you're really comfortable with everyone

Bryce - always have. Always will be

Payton - not until you kill someone with your ass air

We all start laughing and Dixie interrupts

- I'm Dixie
- I'm 19
- I'm known as Charli's sister
- I don't like BBQ
- and I too, get told I look like charli's twin.

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