20 - get to know

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A/N - this chapter is kinda long. I'm sorry

As we were waiting for our food, we all sat around the fire, Chilled out, Dried off and listened to some music.

It started to get a little chillier because it was 9:00 and the sun was already down all the way. It was at least 70° outside right now as well and didn't make it any better

After about 5 or so more minutes later, I get a call from the deli and that's when I knew our food was done.

I head over there with Riley and Charli because I haven't really seen Riley much today and same with Charli.

Riley - I see that payton has been flirting with you a lot lately

Charli - Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this

Riley - Yeah, He is always looking at you and he talks about you all the time

Y/n - Why y'all keep bringing this shit up?

Riley - Because

Charli - We all want you two to date. You would be cute together but, no pressure

Y/n - I feel very pressured *laughing*

Riley - Well how do you feel about payton?

Charli - Spill it!

Y/n - Really?

Riley - yup, you can trust us, ya know that right

Y/n - yes but, Will it get y'all to stop bothering me?

Charli - no promises but maybe

Y/n - I have feeling for payton BUT! I don't want to ruin our friendship if we do end up getting together. You can't always be friends after you break up ya know? I don't want that because payton has been my best friend since day one and I can't my life without him. But we are here so let's go in and get our food and then I'll tell you the rest.

"Hello, we have an order for y/n"

The lady goes in the back and grabs 4 bags. It was full of our food, Sauces and napkins. I grab out my wallet and I pay for the food.

I grab 2 bags while Charli and Riley grab 1 and we walk out.

Riley - Okay now finish

Y/n - okay, it's just, I don't wanna lose him. We have been best friends for way too long to just throw it down the drain. It's not worth it. I mean maybe in the future if we promise to not let our "relationship" affect our friendship ... maybe I'll consider it but, I have to make sure that he is okay with it too ya know? I don't even know if he likes me back.

Charli - I promise you, He likes you. Like for example, When you ran into the water, Payton was just watching you the whole time and may or may not have looked at your juicy peach a few times.

Riley - ALSOO! He picked you up and threw you into the water.

Y/n - We fell in, And plus, We do that anyway

Riley - Mkay, whatever. You keep going over the main point!!!

Charli - you just don't wanna admit he likes you.

Y/n - because he don't.

Riley - OH MY GOODNESS Y:N! You annoy me sometimes!

Riley then looks at Charli and Charli gives her a little look.

Y/n - okay, what y'all planning now?

Charli - nothing. Just lookin at each other because we both know that he likes you but yeah

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