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Previously in Somebody..

"Mr... Umm.. Nobody?" He didn't even let me know his name. That scumbag.

*five years ago*

His empty stare sends shivers throughout my body and it's already cold out here.

He eventually climbs down from the railings not saying a thing. I know his life may suck but he really doesn't deserve to die. He remains silent and I don't hesitate to come closer to him and hug him.

He doesn't react for awhile. He must have been taken aback from my action. I suddenly feel his warm arms wrapping my waist as he throws his head inside my hair. Is he .. crying?

I try to comfort him but it's in vain. He must have been through a lot.

"Taehyung." His voice startled me. "My name is Taehyung." He repeats and backs off my body.

I look up into his eyes and I can finally distinguish emotions inside them. "Well..  Taehyung. Tell me what's wrong? I can help." I encourage him but his eyes turn back cold.

"You can't." He cuts me off. He is so complicated.

"Where do you sleep? Do you have a place that you live?" I ask him softly. I don't want him to turn silent again.

"Well. There is an abandoned house not far from where we first met." He answers unwillingly.

"Can you take me there. I don't want to go home tonight." I plead him but he looks a bit shocked.

"Do you often trust poor stranger men at this late at night?" He finally smirks and I cannot overlook how handsome he looks when he smiles. He is able to be scary at one moment and friendly the other one. It's his ability.

"No. But I trust you. If you wanted to hurt me you would already have right?" I say trying to find some logic behind my words.

"Well I don't want you to come to my place." He looks away uncomfortably.

"Then I will stay here all night." I pout and look at the beautiful scenery. I don't mind. That's why I came here in the first place anyways.

I almost scream when he grabs my hand out of the blue. He starts walking dragging me along with him. "Hey what are you doing?" I question him.

"Are you dumb? I won't allow you to stay here all night by yourself." He explains with his stern voice.

I manage to pull my hand off his grip. "I know how to defend myself." I declare with confidence.

"Yeah I remember last time." He mocks me and I frown.

"It wasn't my lucky day!" I try to persuade him but I dramatically fail.

"Whatever." Ughhh. His unbothered voice drives me crazy and yet I can't help myself from following him to his place.

Somebody🌠حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن