Authors Note

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First I want to apologize for the excitement, thinking this was a chapter. I'm sorry to do this to you guys because I know how it feels.

Second, I just need to let you guys know where I'm at. I haven't been updating lately because of multiple reasons.

One, hockey is really kicking my ass right now. My early morning practices kill me and my late night games are brutal.

Second, college decisions are weighing heavily on me and my family. Even though I have a pretty good idea where I am going, I am still not 100% certain about it yet. When people say deciding on a school is the hardest decision you will make, they are serious. It's so stressful.

Third, I'm just not emotionally attached and invested in my characters this time around. I don't know why I'm not, but I just can't get motivated to write when I'm not invested in my characters. I think I've been getting too caught up in writing for the reads and the votes and all of that crap rather than writing for myself and for the people who genuinely like what I write regardless. I don't know what reason it is, but I've just been lacking the drive lately and I'm sorry for those who like this story so far.

I love my readers so much and I just want to make you guys happy, which means making sure my next update is not shit. I'm sorry again for getting your hopes up with an update, but I thought I owed you guys an explanation for where I am with this story and how I'm feeling towards it.

I love you all and thanks for all the support! It's much appreciated!

Much love,

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