Chapter 10

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"Alright, do we have everyone?" Shannon Szabados asks to no one in particular.

"Our room is out." I say looking for my three roommates and teammates.

"I think we are good to go." Catherine Ward nods.

"Alright ladies, opening ceremonies. Be on your best behavior, I would prefer you all to stay together as a team, but I know we all have friends in other events. Just make sure you stay with our flag." Our coach Kevin Dineen says.

"Yes coach." We all say in unison.

"Most importantly, let's have fun. We came here on a mission and that's to win, obviously, but these games were also designed to be fun and to display your talents. So have fun, but stay focused and stay disciplined." Coach finishes as we whistle and cheer.

"Tessa Orr." A voice says from behind me.

"Sid the Kid, how the hell are you?" I greet him with a hug.

"You know, just living the dream." Sidney Crosby shrugs with a smile.

"Causing trouble in the NHL?"

"Only when I'm in Boston! Or Washington. Or Philly. Or Toronto. Yeah I guess I'm causing trouble in the league." Sid laughs. "What about you? Causing any trouble in Boston?"

"You don't even want to know." I roll my eyes.

"Wait there's actual shit going on?" Sid's eyes widen.

"Mhm." I nod.

"Is he here?" Sid looks around.

"What do you think?"

"Just making sure." Sid holds his hands up in defense. "What the hell happened?"

"He got a girlfriend, she hates me and I don't know why, he chose her, and I'm just keeping my distance from it all. You know me, I hate drama, I want nothing to do with it." I cross my arms over my chest and shake my head.

"Well I can help to keep him away if you'd like. I know the girls will probably do the same, but I can take care of him on this end if you want me to." He offers. "I can get Toews in on it too."

"We'll see, if it becomes an issue tonight and tomorrow, I'll let you know."

"Just say the word and we will help."

"Thanks Sid, I appreciate it."

"Anytime my friend." Sid nods.

We start to make the walk into the arena. The music is playing and the crowd is cheering us on as the athletes walk in with their country.

I walk with my teammates, taking pictures with them and laughing. I take in the arena and the magnitude of the Olympics. A chance for me to once again represent my country, make them proud, and show off the talent that my teammates and I display year after year.

I get a feeling that someone is staring at me. I can feel their eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. When I turn around I meet the dark brown eyes that belong to Patrice. They aren't angry eyes, but pleading. Asking for me to acknowledge him, asking to talk to him, asking for a chance. I keep my face straight, voiding my face of emotion, and slowly turn my head back around and ignore him. I continue walking straight ahead, squaring my shoulders and try to hide the emotion that is inside.

"Sid talked to me a little while ago." Jonathan Toews wraps his arm around my shoulders, scaring me.

"Jesus Johnny, a little warning next time would have been nice. You know how much I hate being scared." I chastise him, punching him in the side of the ribs.

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