Chapter 4

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"The Bruins will select, from the Acadie-Bathurst Titans of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, Patrice Bergeron." GM Mike O'Connell announces. I didn't even notice I was holding my breath until I let it go.

I watch as he hugs his parents and walks up to meet the staff of the Bruins organization. He takes a group picture with everyone. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning, the smile never leaving his face.

I gather my belongings and head in the back to wait for Patrice. I stand off to the side and watch all the draft picks talking with either their family or members of the organization they have just been drafted to.

"Fancy seeing you here." A familiar voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"You could say that." I smile Turing to face him. "Congratulations by the way. Black and gold looks good on you." I gesture to his new jersey and hat.

"Yeah, it's not too bad." He smirks, looking down at the spoked B. "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other, eh?"

"If you make the team." I point out.

"What no faith?" He fakes hurt.

"No, I just try to be realistic. You're 18 playing with 30, 40 year old men. You're still young and developing. They aren't going to just throw you to the sharks your first season unless you show that you belong with them. I have no doubt that you'll be able to make it, you just have to do the work." I shrug.

"Are you always this serious?" He asks.

"Have you seen my dad?" I counter.

"Touché. Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, eh?" He chuckles.

"Yeah." I say quietly, looking away from him.

"Did I say something wrong?" Patrice asks nervously.

"Not really, no. I'm sorry, I overreacted with that." I apologize.

"It was about your dad. Do you not like being like him?" He pushes.

"No, no it's not that. I am this way by choice." I say proudly.

"Yeah, but your dads personality has to come through somewhere. That is how genetics works." He states.

"Not in my case. My personality is adaptive." I explain.

"How?" He asks confused.

"Bobby isn't my birth dad. I was adopted when I was four." I chuckle.

"Are you serious?" Patrice asks, wide eyed.

"Yes." I giggle. "My birth parents died in a car accident coming home from a date." I explain.

"I'm sorry." He says, sympathetically.

"It was almost thirteen years ago. I didn't really understand at that age." I shrug.

"I know, but that must have been hard."

"I guess. I never really thought of it. I was so little that it didn't really register." I shrug.

"You're something else, Tessa Orr." He smiles shaking his head.

"I hope that's a good thing." I say a little unsure.

"Yes, it's a good thing." Patrice chuckles.

We stand there looking around at all the draft picks in silence, taking in the scene around us.

"I can't believe this happened." Patrice says breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning my body to him.

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