Chapter 9

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A/N: Couple things before the chapter starts, I meant to say this at the end of the last chapter, but I am well aware that the team in this story is COMPLETELY different than the team this past season and this season, that being said, it's still going to be with the 2014 team because I'm still in denial that Looch and Dougie were traded! Also what I said way back years ago about every other chapter was going to be a flashback clearly didn't happen since I completely forgot what flashbacks I had planned. That being said, Enjoy!!!!

"Hey girly, how was your flight?" Drew pulled me in for a hug.

"It was good, there was a little turbulence in the first hour, but the rest of the flight was smooth." I replied.

"How's your brother and the family doing?"

"They are good, Alexis is getting so big." I gush about my niece.

"I know, I see all of Rachel's posts on Facebook and Instagram. She's so cute." Drew fishes as she helps me with my luggage.

"How have things been here?" I ask once we start to pull away from Logan Airport.

"They've been ok. Everyone has just been asking about you. The one good thing about your disappearance is that Tuukka is talking to me!" Drew says bouncing up and down while behind the wheel.

"How has that been?" I ask.

"I mean we mostly talk about you and how it's weird that you're not around, but I'm fine with that since that's more words that he's said to me than the past few years combined."

"I'm happy for you. I gave him your number a couple weeks ago." I admit.

"I am not mad about that at all." Drew smiles over at me. "Ok, so we are meeting the girls at Lucic Manner. Then we were going to go shopping a bit, you can get some cute stuff for Sochi to impress al those foreign boys. Then we are going to dinner in the North End for some Italian. Then you and I will be having a sleepover because I need some best friend time before you leave me again for two weeks."

"Sounds like a plan to me." I say while looking out the window.

"Patrice also doesn't know that you're here. We decided to keep it from all the boys actually. We didn't want word to get back to him and then have more of a mess occur." Drew explains after seeing the worry on my face.

"Thank you." I say quietly looking over at my best friend. the rest of the ride is quiet, which I am thankful for.

When we pull up to the Lucic's house, all the cars of the wives and girlfriends are in the driveway.

"You're alive!" Tatiana runs out of the house and engulfs me into a hug.

"Hi Tatiana." I say hugging her back.

"Are you doing ok?"

"I'm ok. I mean, you know." I shrug.

"There you are you bitch!" Britt comes running out of the house soon after. "You nearly gave me a heart attack. Don't you ever do that to me again. I missed you."

"I missed you too Britt." I reply hugging her.

"Well the rest of the girls are ready to shop 'til we drop so let's get this party started!" Britt yells.

The rest of the day we shop and enjoy each others company. The girls ask about my brother and his family. I show them pictures if my nieces and nephews. Dinner is much of the same. The girls fill me in and tell me stories that their kids have done while I was in Canada.

"Alright guys, than you so much for today. I really appreciate all that you guys have done for me. I really needed today." I say hugging all my friends once we get out of the restaurant.

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