CHAPTER 40: Beach

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Blane's Pov

It's been a two month since i slept with Bella and saying i regret it wouldn't be enough. I betrayed the only person that cared despite what i did.

The only person who didn't care for my inherited wealth. Except Alex and Sam, we still talk he just relocated. Bella has been hanging on my arm ever since saying stupid things like we were meant to be ...... Its fate ..... We were destined for each other ..... Together we can take over the business world ....

She knows nothing of the business world. I've been learning business ever since i was sixteen. Every summer i was working in my father's office as his assistant. He thought seeing him work would help in in future.

I have learned alot from my summer job. One thing i know for sure is that i can do it even better than he is doing it but its not what i want to do.

Victoria and I are still together but everytime i see her my guilt kills me. I want to tell her of but i don't want to loose her. I was drunk and I wasn't thinking. It was as if Bella has been waiting for the perfect opportunity. A vulnerability of sort and she did. She got me right where she wanted me and i stupidly fell for her trap.

Bella decided she would stay in my house and my parents allowed it saying we should bond since we would be married.

Just the thought made me want to disappear. I kept Victoria away from my house all costs afraid Bella might say something. She did come around but when i was sure Bella was not around.

I know Victoria deserves better. I know i have to let her go but I'm scared I'd lose her forever. It's two weeks to graduation this weekend is prom i told Bella I'm not going since she wanted to be my date and i didn't.

Alot has happened in the two months whenever i could i did spend my time with Victoria and tried to make it as memorable as i could.


We were at a beach for the weekend it was quite far so we decided to come for the whole weekend and just stay in a hotel she allowed me to pay for our room but on the condition she pays for all the meals and any extras.

We were seated on the beach watching the stars.

"This is so cheesy. Watching the stars the beach" she said with a laugh.

"You know what would be really cheesy?" I asked.

"What could be more cheesy than this"

"We walk in different directions and then start running towards each other in slow motion"

She looked at me as i looked at her. I knew we were thinking the same thing. We both got up and went towards different directions.

"When i get to you i will just then you catch me. Up for the challenge Saint John"

"You know I'm not one to turn down a challenge" i replied from the opposite side.

"Now" she shouted.

She ran towards me slowly and ao did i towards her.

I was savouring the moment knowing that one day I won't have her as my friend  much less a girlfriend.

Her hairs that strayed were blowing away as the wind hit her. She was laughing ear to ear amd i wished someone was video taping this moment.

She almost close to me so i got ready to catch her as she jumped.

I nodded for her to jump telling her I'm ready. When she got close enough to jump i caught her. My hands were at her thighs close to her butt. Her hands were around my neck and she stared at me and I her.

"You caught me" she stated.

"I'll always catch you Martinez. Always"

I kissed her immediately and dominated her lips and squeezing her butt which made her gasp hence entrance for my tongue to explore her mouth.

Our lips danced perfectly in synch it all the novels say when you just feel like someone is meant for you amd you alone.

We pulled away for breathe when she jumped down.

"How about we walk along the beach"

"Okay just one minute"

I watched her run to where we had sat and take her phone that waa convincingly placed. She walked to where i was and shut her phone and placed it back in her shorts.

"Did you take a video of us?"I questioned

"Yes. Problem Romeo"

"Why none at all Juliet"

Ww walked along the beach for a while till she decided we should try something.

"What do want us to try?" I asked intrigued.

"We should go for a swim"

"Just that"

"Naked!" She said.

My interest was piqued. I raised my eyebrow at her. I was the one who would propose skinny-dipping but this was all her.

"I think I'm a bad influence Martinez"

"Or maybe I'm the bad influence"

"I'm starting to think you are. Should I be weary of your company "

"We both know you can't stay away" she said as she walked away to get cover as she undressed.

"I'll have to stay away whether i like it or not" i murmured.

"What was that"

"Nothing" i started undressing "race you to the water. Last one is sleeping on the floor"

"You are such a child" she said making me halt and look at her direction.

She walked slowly and suddenly started running towards the water.

I quickly tried to catch up but she was too far ahead. She got in the water laughing.

"Guess i have the bed all to myself" she said.

End of Flashback.

"Babe" Bella called i mentally groaned

"What do you want Bella"

"You better fix your attitude first" she said

"I'm leaving"

"I don't object to you leaving but just know this Blaney bear, if your not nice to me i might talk to my father about how my future might be full of depression and he might disagree to this marriage meaning your company go bye bye" she said adding a sweet smile at the end and leaving.

She infuriated me. How could not see how was before. Victoria tried to but i didn't know.

She wasn't always bad she used to be really nice. Maybe once we are married she'll be how she used to be.

I let out a sigh as i left my house went out to go buy a suit and keep it at Alex's place.

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