CHAPTER 28: Bella

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I woke up bright and early went to the kitchen and made one of my best bunch of cookies yet.

I was taking a second shower to relax a bit before going over at Blane's.

I put on some shorts and one of Blane's T-shirt I claimed as ours. I pit my hair in a bun and was ready to go cure my probably sick boyfriend.

I stopped by the supermarket to buy him some of hus favourite snacks and i obviously couldn't forget the ice cream.

It was around 9: 30 when i got close to his place. I know i had been to his house a zillion times i even lived there but i always got amazed by a it.

I parked the car and went in. It was quiet pin drop type quiet. I immediately started heading up the stairs to Blane's room until i saw the TV was on.

I moved towards the living room to switch it off since he probably left it on unknowingly.

Pizza boxes, cans of bier and Soda. I was a surprised Blane was messy but not this messy.

I looked around the living he was no where to be seen so i concluded he was probably in his room and i would clean the mess up later.

I was about to go up the stairs again when i heard laughter. Sounded like wasn't sick at all.

I went into the kitchen. The laughter was still loud but it wasn't one person's. He would be in Blane's house that early morning.

I stopped at the door when i saw Blane on top of a girl they were both covered in Flour looked like they were baking, well trying to.

Obviously he hadn't noticed my presence until the girl stared at me when he turned his head.

The way undeniably beautiful. You know how guys would tell you your the most beautiful women i know well if Blane ever told me that i would hysterically.

She was way past Victoria secret model she was freaking miss world. She had red hair that were wavy and bouncy.

Apart from the girl being gorgeous i was fuming inside. He was having fun with miss pretty face while i was worried sick he might be sick.

He quickly got up and made his way to where i standing. I guess he knew i was furious based on his next words.

"I can explain"

"I bet you can" i said

I moved from my spot but not before looking at miss pretty face and seeing her look at me with a disgusted stare.

I simply rolled my eyes cause i wasn't easily affected by mean stares and words from i don't care about.

I walked to his room as he followed behind me. He locked the door behind him and i was looking around his room i didn't fail to see the girl's blouse his floor.

Blane was my first boyfriend. The thought of him cheating on me would haunt me and that's why i kept pushing the thought a side and that's why i was still composed. Physically at least.

"Her name is Bella"

Geeez even her name means beautiful i thought.

"Go clean yourself up" i said.

"I'll wait for you" i added.

When he went into the bathroom i decided to go talk to 'Bella' for while.

When i got down i heard her on the phone she was talking to someone. Now I wasn't planning on ease dropping but when i heard Blane's name i had to.

"Yeah I'm having fun..... Blane is treating me well he makes me laugh as always......" Before i could hear anymore Blane tapped my shoulder and i mentally groaned.

He led to the pool area to talk. But he just sat as if waiting for me to start.

"I'm Mad" i said

"I know"

"No you don't know. I was worried about you i thought you were sick that's why you didn't call or text. It's like you completely forgot i exist. I woke up and backed you cookies and take care of you. But i arrive not only to see you well and laughing your heart out but with miss pretty face over there. "

"I can explain, Bella is a family friend we have been friends since we were kids she spends her holiday in my house sometimes i just forgot to tell you"

"So your just friends"

"Yes that's it"

"So you never in your life had feelings for her as more than a friend"

He was silent. He was thinking about something. Then he finally replied.

"No. "

Something was telling me he wasn't telling the truth. But since i heard what i wanted to hear i didn't question it.

"So how long is she staying?"

"Till the holiday is over then she goes back to New York."

I wasn't comfortable about them being alone in the house. But he said they were just friends.

I trusted him. I got upand went towards the pool and took some water and splashed it on him.

"Uh come on i just showered" he said as he stood up.

I started running and he ran after me. Ge caught me like he always did and he was holding my waist and my hands were around his neck as we laughed.

"Do you know how sexy you look when your talking angry" he whispered in my ear.

I lifted my feet moving closer to his lips so that i could kiss him our lips were about to touch until we heard someone clear their throat.

It was none other than miss pretty face. When Blane saw her he tried to move away from me but i pulled him back i saw his smile when i did that and i didn't fail to miss the scroan on miss pretty face's face.

"Hy I'm Bella, I'm Blane's bestfriend" she said with a fake smile and looked at Blane.

"Hy I'm Victoria Blane's Girlfriend, so I'm sure i would have known if Blane replaced Alex as his bestfriend." I siad as i looked at her.

She didn't look happy with the news about me being Blane's girlfriend. But who gave two shits about her opinion.

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