Layla spoke from beside me "damn imagine you with one of those" she pointed at the spell where you could cast a spell and get male genitalia to impregnate.

"God Layla, you are so perverted," I said frustrated.

She hugged me from behind "aw Zelda, don't be so lame. I was just joking" she kissed my cheek and I rolled my eyes.

I continued to look through the page, no way was I going to cast a spell where I got male private parts. That would be absurd would it not?

I found a spell that appeared to be quite simple. I had to have a hand on Layla's stomach and say some words and then a seed would be put in her. The spell would only work if both partners loved each other. I know the spell would work because I love Layla and she loves me.

"Alright, I am ready. Are you?" I asked her. She nodded and sat up.

"How does this work?" She asked.

I explained to her how it was done. This was a simple procedure and it would be quick as well. She laid down on her back.

We were finally going to have a child.

"I'm kinda excited but also nervous"

I leaned over and kissed her gently on the forehead, she gave me a goofy smile as she laid beneath me. "There is nothing to worry about my love, I am here and I will help you through the pregnancy and raise the child with you. You are not alone in this, remember that"

"Aw, you're so sweet, now get to it," She said eagerly.

"O-of course my love"

I put my cold hand on her bare stomach which caused Layla to shiver. I should warm my hands on Layla more often she was so warm and soft and my hands were always cold.

"hoc temere et nescio quid facere. Utinam videre quid haec significant Nemo temptation." Those were the words I had to use to get the spell to work.

I felt the energy of my magic being transferred into Layla so it could make the seed. It took a lot of energy to create a new life through magic, but not enough energy to drain me completely. I hate the feeling of using too much magic, it makes me feel weak and exhausted.

The spell was complete as I felt no more energy being taken from me. "It is done" I spoke, I didn't realise everything was so silent before I spoke. She had not spoken a word throughout the process which kind of concerned me.

"We're going to be parents Zelda"

I sighed in relief that she didn't feel regret or anything. "Yes, we are"

She sat up and began to smother me with kisses. I chuckled and let her continue her kissing attack on my face. I knew she was happy and so was I.

This is what I always wanted.

Layla sat on my lap and began kissing my neck, one of her fingers traced my jawline, it kind of tickled but I did not say anything. "Let's celebrate..." she said in a husky voice.

I pulled away and looked her in the eyes. They were darker than usual. I knew exactly what she wanted but that would have to wait. "My aunt has been waiting for us for nearly two hours Layla, let us wait until tonight"

As much as I wanted to I would not ignore my aunt, she was our guest and I wanted to make sure she felt welcome.

"You're right..." she trailed off before kissing me one last time on the lips. She pulled away but I pulled her back in for a longer kiss, her lips were so soft and sweet just like her.

"We should go now" I smiled. I took her hand in mine and looked around searching for my aunt. We found her outside talking to Adin and Melissa. It still surprises me how Adin finally found a girlfriend rather than sleep around with all the maids.

Melissa was a good friend of Layla's, but my relationship with Melissa was only professional. I shared no friendship with any of the maids in the castle as I think it would be complicated.

"Do you wish to announce the pregnancy, my love? Or shall we wait?" I asked through the mind link. She looked at me and smiled. She used our mind link to tell me she wanted to announce it to the others right then and there.

"You two were gone for nearly two hours, what happened?" My aunt asked. Both Melissa and Adin snickered probably thinking we slept together, but for once we didn't.

"We talked-" Layla was interrupted rudely by Adin.

"Oh, I am sure there was a lot of talking" Melissa giggled and he held his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh. I gave him a death glare as Layla hid her face in my arm.
Luckily my aunt did not catch up with his joke and just seemed confused which I was happy for. She most certainly did not need to know about Layla and I's sex life.

"Shut up!" I growled. They both stopped laughing and sat there quietly. After a few seconds of silence, Layla decided to finally continue her sentence.

"So we talked..." she paused and made sure no one was going to interrupt her again. I still glared at both Adin and Melissa. "We talked until we both agreed on making a baby today, and so we did. I am pregnant" she smiled.

"Congratulations you two, I am so happy for you!" My aunt said enthusiastically as she hugged both of us.

I smiled. I was glad she approved of this, she was the closest family I had alongside Layla and our future child.

I wanted to tell Marceline and Lily the great news, I had not talked to either of them since we went to check on Marceline's health.

I knew that announcing the pregnancy the day it happened was a bit odd, but our future baby was made with magic which means the baby is almost destined to be born. Normal pregnancy is a bit unpredictable at times.

We decided to tell them the next time we met Marceline and Lily.

I am writing a new story. So far I have written 15 chapters. I am planning on releasing the first chapter in 2021. It is also set in a medieval supernatural world much like this story. The two main characters are vampire and werewolf. So if you want to read that story you can follow me and keep track of when that story comes out.

Published:  december 11th 2020

Words: 1783

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