Behind the mask - 2

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Well I finally  got around to doing this. I almost feel proud of my self. Almost.

Anyway you can probably guess what this is a second part to.

I hope you have a good day/night and stay safe!!


A groan slipped past the boys mouth as he moved his body, light flittered into the room and straight into his eyes.

One day he might bow up the sun so he can finally sleep for once, he turned over and pulled the cover closer to his chin.

Suddenly his eyes snapped open and he quickly sat up.

This wasn't his room , it was far too nice and he had no idea who's picture was on the dresser next to him.

He picked up the frame and inspected the photo, on it was a happy looking family, a women with long brown hair and blue eyes and a young boy who looked pretty similar, most likely her son, stood next to her.

near them was a man, what was only thought to be the father figure, in a tux what made him stand out compared to what the other two were wearing and so did his bright yellow snake like eyes.

Wait this has to be the shadows family but he's a bad guy right?

Before he could think anymore the door opened to reveal the very man he had been thinking of, could he read minds?

"So how are you feeling kid?",

The boy only stared at the man in response, who sighed and made his way towards the bed.

The boy pulled his legs up to his chest and leaned his back against the headboard, he continued to stare at the man as he sat on the corner bed.

"Well I suppose introductions are in order! I'm Charles and you are-",

The man stared at the boy expectantly, his eyes showed joy as the boy spoke but looked defeated as the boy asked a question instead.

"Why are you being so nice to me?",

Charles stared at him for a minute, neither dared to brake eye contact until charles suddenly took a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Well what do you want?-"

The man leaned towards the boy and smiled,

"You want me to 'torture you for information'?,

The man leaned back slightly , the boy leaped forward and shot his hands in the air and started shouting,


The man recoiled from shock as the boy stood up and started pacing infront of him, his face was bright red in anger.

"You're supposed to torture me! Your supposed to starve me and lock me up in chains! I'm supposed to be afraid of every living second of being stuck here! i-im... I... I don't understand?",

The boy put his hands on his face and sat on the bed next to the man, in response Charles wrapped his arm over the boys shoulder and pulled him into his chest.

He rubbed the smallers back trying  to get him to calm down so he could question his idea, what the hell had his enemy put this poor boy through?

After a minute of crying and muttering the boy lent back and wiped the few remaining tears from his face,

"U-um charles?".

The man looked down at the boy and gave him a hum in recognition,

"I-is the person w-whos arm I b-broke ok?",

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