Behind the masks - Part 1

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This is more of a platonic relationship and i'll most likely write a second part.

Slight blood and violence warning! If this makes you uncomfortable do not read this.

I hope you enjoy and have a good day/night.

The room was dark the only light was from under the large metal door, the sounds of mice hunting for food and water dripping was heard well other than the thumping in the boys ears.

He couldn't see a thing but he could feel the blood drip from his noise onto his legs as he pulled against the restraints around his body, he was weak and hurt.

He had no idea what to do, was this his fault or someone elses he was in this position? He couldn't remember what happened, but did he really want to know why he was here. He highly doubted it.

Light flooded the room as the door flew open, he winced his eyes from the pain of the sudden light as a figure moved towards him, the door slammed taking the light away with it but the person was still there.

His bright yellow eyes looked like they belonged in the deepest parts of hell as they stared into the boys eyes almost as if he could see his soul, is this where he dies? He wasted so much of his life on silly things that he never got to do anything and it was already over?

"So your his new side kick huh?",

The eyes looked up and down the boy as they began to move around him, no footsteps where heard as the figure moved around the chair the boy was tide to, The boy tried to act calm but the shaking of his shoulders and the fear in his eyes gave it away.

A deep chuckle echoed around the room as a hand grabbed the chin of the boy, he stared straight into the eyes of the monster infront of him and tried to make himself look brave infront of the man he was trained to kill.

"You have a name other than that dumb hero name?",

The boy opened his mouth slightly before closing his mouth, he never let his eyes leave the others, the man walked back turned away from the boy heading towards the door.

A small click resonated through the room as the lights flicked on, wincing again the boy slowly got used to the sudden brightness of the room, as he opened his eyes he flinched in surprise to see the owner of the eyes sat right infront of him still staring at him.

"So you don't have a name or we playing the dumb victim game, because this is one of my favourites!",

the man lead forward as he spoke getting closer and closer to the boys face, their eyes never leaving eachother, suddenly the man jumped up and while staring

"You know what your probably tired, how about we continue this later",

The man marched towards the door and went to open the door before a voice interrupted him,

"Wait what?",

The man stopped dead in his tracks before turning around and giving the boy a confused glance, his voice was small and shaky most likely from the fear and adrenaline from earlier fights.

"I thought I was pretty clear?"

The man lent against the wall as he looked at the boy waiting for his response, the boy looks at the man confused, this isn't how he was told was going to happen, this was all wrong so he must be lying, right?

"aren't you supposed to be mad?",

the boy looked at the man confused as he started laughing, the man out his hands up to his face and wiped the tears from his eyes as his laughter stopped, he walked towards the kid and sat back in the chair infront of him.

"Why would I be mad you've done nothing wrong.",

the boy continued to stare at the man in confusion as he got lost in thought, this isn't what he thought would happen when facing a villain, did the professor lie to him about what would happen if he ever got kidnapped. Does that mean every time he-

he was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of snapping, the man infront of him had got significant closer to him and had been snapping his fingers infront of his face to get him out of his thoughts.

"Hey kid! You still in there or should I go talk to a brick wall?",

the boy shook his head as the man sat back and pulled away from the boy, he stood up again to walk behind the boy.

The an walked over to the door and waited for the boy, both left the room as the boy followed not far behind, the corridor looked like one that would be found in a cheap hotel, well other than the massive metal door of the room they previously left.

The boy looked everywhere for a good way to either escape or for his mentor to suddenly bust through the wall and save him from the villain in front of him so he could o home.

The man pulled the boy into one of the doors with the number 22 on it, once he was inside it looked like your average hotel room with a small kitchen and living room with twos door what can only presumed as a bathroom and bedroom.

The Villain turned around and looked at the boy as he continued to look around the room before walking around him and towards the door,

"Wait why are we here?",

The man sighed before turning around towards the boy, they just stared at eachother with either boredom or confusion before the man spoke,

"This is my apartment. you're going to stay here until your buddy shows up for the fight.",

the boy gawked at the man, not only was HIS enemy was being friendly, he was letting him stay in his apartment but before he could say anything the man continued,

"Some of the boys are going to watch you until I'm back, don't break anything",

with that the man had left and locked the door behind him, the boy stood there for 5 minutes staring at the door before sitting on the sofa, he was so confused.

He was told for so long on what would happen if he was ever kidnapped by the villain, he was put through so much for NOTHING?

Without realising it his breath became ragged and strained as he had a panic attack, he pulled his legs up and wrapped his arms around them to try and comfort himself, he tried not to think about everything the professor had done to him, all for the idea of making him stronger than the enemy.

Was it all a lie? A sick joke?

Laughter was heard somewhere down the hall as people approached the room he was in, where they laughing at him? How pitiful it was that he really believed he could do anything right for anyone?

While lost in thought he didn't notice the door opening and the two people walking in, he was too busy trying to stop the tears from streaming down his face and trying to remember how to breath.

He could hear talking but he refused to listen to what they where saying, they where probably insulting him! Telling him how useless he was just like everybody else does.

A hand made contact with the boys shoulder, so many thoughts where flying through his head he didn't realise he was hurting the person until a sickening snap was heard from the poor persons arm.

Realisation hit him like a truck, he hurt somebody for no reason, he panicked and refused to look at the person. He didn't want to feel more guilt than he was already feeling.

He grabbed his head trying to mutter a response to all the voices he heard but only managed to get onto the floor and curl up in a corner, he begged and pleaded for them not to hurt him. He doesn't need to be better, at least that's what he used to believe it was hard to think you're strong when people are always dragging him down, especially his mentor.

Eventually everything began to fade as a wave of fatigue hit him, the emotional breakdown and the fight earlier tired him as he let sleep take him away from his thoughts.

The last thing he saw before passing out was the worried face with bright yellow eyes.

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