55: coming out

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"uh...mum? dad?" we looked up at our 13 year old daughter.
"could my friend katie come over?" she asked. "again? that's the 3rd time this week" harry said. she blushed awkwardly.
"yeah um i know!" she stammered.
"is everything okay?" i pondered.
"uh you know what? forget i asked!" she ran to her room and slammed the door.
"the fuck was that about?" harry furrowed his eye brows at me.
"oh harry, you're clueless!" i sighed.
"what did i do!?" he exclaimed.
"one sec" i put my laptopdown and went upstairs.

"maia? can i come in?" i knocked on her door.
"uhhh not yet!" i heard draws open and close and the door opened.
"you mind if i talk to you?" i asked her.
"oh uh yeah what about?"
"you and katie are close, right?"
"no! we arent THAT close!"
"maia calm down! you arent in trouble!"
"i am gay! i-i mean calm!" But soon she just burst into teers
"Oh maia don't cry!" i comforted her.

"I-im so ashamed" she mumbled.
"Theres no need to be. you come out on your own terms. i never came out to my family"
"Oh yeah...im bisexual. well...im harrysexual now as im married to him but you get me"
"i never knew that!"
"i had to hide it" i sighed. "anyway, katie can come over. you should let us meet her properly! She means a lot to you and...we wanna get to know her more"
"mum...did you know katie was my girlfriend?"
"yes - it was so obvious! also youre obsessed with girl in red" i sighed.
"why didnt you say anything?"
"because youve got to come out when YOU want to"
"did dad suspect anything?"
"no, he's clueless and fruity - yeah, it runs in the family"
"oh...well im going to tell him now"

we went downstairs to see harry humming to himself as he watered the plants.
"dad, im gay" she said. he turned arounf.
"oh thank god. i thought katie was a bad friend or something" he breathed a sigh of relief.
"wha-" maia was confused.
"its a long story" he said as he continued watering.
"wait harry i never knew we had an aloe vera plant!" i exclaimed.
"we've had it for ages!" he showed me.
"no way! Does it have the gel in it!?"

"mum! dad!" we looked at our daughter.
"you dont care that im gay?" she asked.
"you can be in love with who you want" i said.
"yeah, its not our life or business. Plus...we're kinda gay too..." harry added.
"so...katie?" she asked.
"she may come over BUT we want to meet her" he said.
"thank you thank you!" she dashed off to call her girlfriend.

"when did we get the plant!?" i turned to harry.
"oh mara..." 
"Does it have the gel in it!?"

do you know who you are? | harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now