49: lunch date

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"good morning my gorgeous wife" harry whispered as i woke up.
"good morning harry" i smiled.
"i cannot believe im married to the most amazing women on this planet" he said.
"i cant believe im married to you. it feels like yesterday i saw you in the airport" i giggled.
"well" he stretched and picked his boxers up from off the floor. "im off to take a shower. care to join me?" he extended his other hand.
"gladly" i took his hand and we made our way to the bathroom.

after showering i got ready into a black fitted t shirt and blue pade wide leg jeans. i put on some eye liner then joined harry downstairs for breakfast.
"you ready to tell the world?" harry asked.
"more than ready" i responded. we clutched hands and i pressed POST. I'd selected a photo harry holding my cheeks and kissing my forehead while i just smiled.

makeupbymara: yeah you figured it out lol we got married and we're hella cute xoxox

we let everybody go crazy while we packed for turkey.
"so, my love" harry began as we zipped our suitcases up. "you wanna go out for lunch as a married couple for the first time?" he asked.
"i'd love that more than anything harry" i smiled. We'd slept through breakfast so lunch was the motive.

he slid his hand into mine as we walked through the streets of london. we sat inside our favourite cafe and ordered some food. we looked through photos of turkey and planning where to go. from the window i saw photographers.
"just ignore it" harry said. he knew i got really camera shy.
"lets say hi!" i waved to one of them whilst harry laughed fondly.

Married like was kind of sweet.

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