"Explosions don't count!" he frowns.

"You get to drive!" I tease while getting into the passengers seat.

"Ugh," he groans, but he goes and sits in the drivers seat. "I get to control the music then."

Nash grabs the volume knob and turns it up all the way, blaring rap music.

"NASH!" I yell while covering my ears. He just smirks while attempting to rap along.


When we pull up in front of the O2L house, I jump out of the car. "Oh my gosh, Nash, you're a horrible driver."

"Nuh-Uh," he disagrees.

"Well the driving wasn't too bad but the music was soooo loud," I complain.

"See, the music has to be loud so you can hear every note," he explains to me and I shake my head.

"Whatever," I laugh. "Let's go!"

We go up to the door and knock. Sam (Pottorff) opens the door and gives me a big hug.

"Hi, guys!" he smiles. "Come in."

Nash and I walk into the house and there's only a few people here so far.

"I have to go and help set up some more, but I'll talk to you later," he tells us before walking away.

"I'm going to go and talk to some people," Nash exclaims and I gasp.

"Nooo!" I groan. "Don't leave me alone!"

"Why?" he chuckles. "Go be social." Then he walks away.

I sigh and start walking around, not really knowing where I'm going, but somehow I end up in the kitchen.

I look over and see Troye (Sivan) and Tyler (Oakley) taking a selfie.

"Whoop whoop! Troyler in the house!" I jokingly yell while walking over to them.

"Lexie!" Troye grins while giving me a hug. "Want to join our picture?"

"Sure!" I agree. I stand between them and smile for the picture. When the picture is taken, I give each of them a hug.

"Gurl, you're outfit is on point," Tyler exclaims.

"Thank you," I laugh. "So you guys flew here for the party?"

"Yeah, it's like the biggest party of the year!" Troye explains. "But I mean we also flew out here to see everyone and visit."

"Ohh," I nod. "We don't live that far away so-"

I get cut off when I hear a familiar voice walk into the room.

"Dude, I was so freaking mad. Everyone was being so slow in the line at Starbucks and I was getting ready to just cut those basics in line," the voice snaps.

"ANTHONY!" (lohanthony) I scream before tackling him in a hug.

"Lexie!" he yells happily. "You are so lucky that Jenn was holding my StarBucks because if I was and you attacked me then it would be on the floor and I waited for fifteen freaking minutes to get my drink."

"Hello to you too," I joke. I look over and see Jenn (jennxpenn) holding Anthony's drink. "Hi, Jenn!"

"Hi, Lexie!" she smiles while giving me a hug. "Don't pity Anthony because of the long line. In all reality, there were three people in front of us and when we pulled up, Anthony ordered this super long and complicated drink which took a while to make. So BAM, it was his fault!"

The Offer That Changed My Life (A Shawn Mendes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now