"The name's Cain, lovely," he said, then leaned down and licked the side of my face, "Mmm, oh, I'm going to enjoy you,"


The smell hit me like a kick to the balls. It was her, but I could smell the blood. I froze for a few seconds, then raced to her, following her scent. I could feel myself getting closer, her smell getting stronger. 

"This will only hurt a little bit," Cain's voice crooned and I saw him just as he moved the hair off of her neck and bit down. 

Her scream cut through me like a knife. His hands bunched up her jacket and she clung to him, tears spilling down her face as he pulled back for a split second to lick away a stray drop then resume suckling on her neck. She screamed again and tried to push him off, but I could see her strength melting away. 

An animalistic growl erupted from me as I lunged at Cain, bringing the three of us to the ground, and Cains grip on Rogue was broken. Her limp body rolled away as Cain flipped to his feet and snarled at me, outraged. 

"What the fuck, Ryder!?" he snapped.

"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN!" I roared, standing in front of her body.

"WELL IT'S NOT LIKE YOU FUCKING CLAIMED HER!" He snarled back, baring his fangs as her blood dripped from his mouth, enraging me more. 

"SHE'S MINE!!" I shouted and hissed at him, "DON'T YOU EVEN GO NEAR HER!!"

He snarled and tried to run past me to get to her. I grabbed the back of his neck and tossed him away. He crashed to the ground and I was on top of him in seconds, pinning him and snarling ferociously in his face. He kicked at my stomach and I flew back, my back cracking against a tree and I fell to the ground. My head cracked against the trunk and my vision went black for a few seconds, long enough for Cain to climb to his feet. I scooped up a stick and charged at him and rammed the jagged end of the stick into his thigh and pushed him to the ground. 

He let out a roar but didnt get back up, clutching his leg. 

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" he snarled and I growled dangerously back at him.

Cain stumbled to his feet and held onto a tree for balance as he ripped out the stick, hissing with pain, the wound would take a few hours to heal. He held my gaze, growling, before curling his lip in disgust and speeding off. He wasnt himself when he tated human blood, I knew that so tomorrow I would go and apologize. I stared at the place where he stood for a few second before I turned and rushed over to Rogues body. She hadn't moved once during our whole exchange.  

Damnit, if she had just kept her fucking promise and stayed in the fucking house this never would've happened. I pulled her limp body onto my lap and examined her neck, fighting the urge to bite her myself. Her blood coated my fingers and dripped down onto her shoulder and stained her clothes. 
I sighed on instinct and stood, cradling her in my arms. I carried her back to my place and then into my bedroom. I put a towled over the pillows before laying her down. I cleaned the puncture marks and put a bandage around her neck and fixed up her bleeding temple. Vampire bites were small but since we bit right into the vain on the neck a lot of blood came out, which is why when I do bite people I never bite their wrists or necks, only their arms, or maybe like an ankle or something. 

She probably wouldn't be able to move for the next few days and even then she'll be in a lot of pain and it will take a few months to heal. 

Serves her right, that voice in my head whispered, that's what she gets for running away from us.

I shook my head, blocking out those thoughts and laid down next to her, then pulled her onto my chest. I could feel her heart beating, I could hear it too. That's one of the things I loved about her, the fact that I could hear her heart beating, knowing that she was alive made it easier. That and how warm she was, my body was cold to the touch, but she just radiated warmth that almost restarted my heart. 
I nuzzled her cheek and kissed it, smiling to myself. I adored her, from the way she stuttered when she was nervous to the way she attempted to lie to me but failed, she was a horrible liar. And when she blushed, oh god, it was like my world just came crashing down and she was the only thing left standing. I tucked her into my chest and closed my eyes, waiting for her to wake up.

"I love you so much," I whispered, "You're my everything,"

No reply. The silence pressed against me and I held her closer, but had to be careful not to squeeze her too hard, she was a fragile little thing. I stroked her head and tangled my fingers in her silky hair, it may have been knotty but she was still by far the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid my eyes on. 

I listened to my mates soft breaths and smiled, mate. After going for One hundred and twenty-two years without my mate I finally found her, and I wouldn't let her got. Not ever. Not for the world.


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