Chapter Twenty-Three

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Theme song: "Close" by Nick Jonas ft. Tove Lo

You may or may not have any idea how embarrassed I am right now. I can't seem to shake this blush heating on my cheeks, one other girl is in the same section on the store as me and seems to act like this is everyday clothes shopping. Well it might be to her but its not to me, I have never shopped for sexy underwear ever in my life, the sexiest I get is matching lace bra and panties. I didn't even wear them until I started dating Steve just in case. I'm just putting it out there that this lingerie is really, really slutty; that being said the more animal print and skin showing, the more Steve will appreciate what I'm going through now. I don't even want to think about checking out. I mean what will I do when I get stuck with the 15 year-old looking boy at isle 2? Keeping in mind there are 3 aisles and the others are closed. Obviously Fridays, during office hours, are not a busy time here, which I find a shock. A good one, but a shock none the less. If I don't get extreme compliments and loving I will be very pissed. I even have a few ideas for him that I can use. My ideas, no matter what, are so creative and wacky it's a bit frightening, always going all out.
And in this moment I jump up and down clapping my hands, finally I found the purrrrfect outfit. Why am I purring you may ask? Well dear people I found a cheetah outfit including everything I wanted, and as you may or may not know, cheetahs are cats and cats purr.

Craap, now I have to pay, its still only that kid. I guess it's time to turn on the bitch switch as my defense for the embarrassed button being pushed. my cheeks heat more causing, no doubt, an even more, if at all possible, red color on my tomato face. Swiftly and briskly I march over to the counter. I said nothing, he said nothing, he didn't have to I can tell he's undressing me with his eyes, bitch switch activated.

"I know you are undressing me with your eyes but the thing is I don't think you old enough for me."

"I'm 17," he answered in a matter-of-fact voice

"Me too." he brightened "Shame I like older men," I breeze flashing him a picture of Steve's muscular upper body. "Like him for instance, tan, well built and twenty." I wink, strutting off. After sassily grabbing the bag. Okay, granted Steve is 18 but it's not much of a difference, not to me anyways, but to that guy it was a lot. We may be in the same year at school but he's a bit older and I'm a bit younger than the average. Okay, you might say I was a bit harsh, or that I was not rough enough, or I did just right, no matter what you think of my small performance it took a lot of me to actually say it I'm more of an all talk person so that was kind of a big feat for me.

Before I went to this store I got new make-up, eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow. The only eyeshadow I really wear is for a special occaison such as this, otherwise it's not really worth it for me because it only looks good if I do smoky eye and thats not really my everyday thing, plus it takes forever for me to do and I don't want take the time, honestly. Anyway, I even got a pair of black high heels, because why not. I shrug internally. When I get home I take my time to get ready. Isabel is going out tonight which means her designated driver will have her spend the night, because we just got some bills and that is the time when she goes over board. Lauren doesn't like me to see her like that. I am all for that because it gives me a chance to pay the bills and have some alone time, until I remember that I hate being alone. That is my biggest fear. For example, if I storm off and am upset I want to be alone for about 10 seconds then I want to have one of the boys hold me and calm me down. I just like knowing that somebody still cares. Isabel can do the bills for once in her life, because I have shit to do and she better get used to it. I'm leaving soon and won't be here for her to ask how to do it.

Finally after about an hour and a half I am completly ready. I pull out my phone and text Steve to come over Izzy is gone. He tried to argue (Stupid control freak) but I don't let him, there is nothing to make me change my mind this time.

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