Chapter Four

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Amanda Seyfried as Isabel. Amanda/Isabel is to the top or side along with the theme song.

Theme song: "Cannibal" by

A looking looking tall man came on next. He has orange hair and dark red clothes Steve gasped when the man put up his head, me too, he has a scar running down the side of his face making it look like a twisted smile.

He started talking while talking he lifted up a small square cage after that all I heard was 'Larten Crepsley' bouncing inside my head. What a weird name, honestly I like exotic names, they fascinate me. Even though the way he looks and holds himself scares me some he seems strangely familiar. Also like the kind of person who like to act mean but after you get to know him, he would do anything for you. Despite what he may say.

The cage held a spider that did tricks and obeyed the orange haired man. Darren liked it, I thought it was just plain creepy, they way he commanded it to crawl around his face. I really don't like spiders. At all.


Once the show ended people filed out.

"Meet me at my house guys I gotta do something," Steve looked distant walking towards the stage.

"Okay, sweet" I said encouragingly. Me an Darren walked into the hallway.

"Why would you do that I'm not leaving him here!"

"Me neither I have an idea let's go." I say motioning up the stairs.

I jog to the stairs on a balcony overlooking the stage to see what Steve is doing.

We sat on our knees and listening intently to the conversation below.

"I can be your assistant," Steve said sounding desperate

"No you are evil, and I don't like they way you look at the girl." It was Crepsley, the spider master from the show. What is he doing calling Steve evil, sure he has some demons, but I punched one of my best friends for calling me by my name.

I looked a Darren about the 'girl' part I have no doubts he means me.

"Now that you know what I am I must kill you. Having children running around spouting off that kind of thing Is good for business for the show but not for me. I know the kind of people who live in this town and they don't like my kind." said Crepsley curling his lip menacingly.

"Can't you make an exception, I need this, my life is falling apart. I can't stay here any longer, I have to leave this town."

"No!" I squeled and before Darren could stop me I hurled myself off the balcony

It's not a long fall, I am used of jumping out of windows, but it sure did rattle me, I heard a thud. Darren.

"Darr, you okay?" he nodded

I focused I Creepy,

"And you, leave him alone." I demand. and to Steve. "You aren't going anywhere without me you hear. And your life's not falling apart you just like to sound like it is."

"And how will you stop me?" The man said

"Liz no. You don't understand we should just go." Steve said appear army changing his mind now that I'm involved.

I continued anyways "My name is, Elizabeth May Spirit, and-" I was cut off by Crepsley yelling at Steve.

"Did I or did I not tell you that living is not an option, non of you will 'just be going' Steve you just got your friends into big trouble." Steve had been trying to pull me away but Crepsleys voice made him stop.

Nobody spoke for a few seconds. They were the loudest ones yet. Crepsley spike first, softly to me.

"Girl, you said your name is Spirit, did you not?"

"I did," I answer cautiously, unsure of what will come next. He smirks.

"On second thought..." he rubs his scar "It is about time I train a new young fresh-blood. After all it is my duty as a vampire, to replace myself, renew and replenish the vampire community." He mumbles almost as if he's talking only to himself even though I'm smart enough to know he wants us to hear what he's saying. I don't understand what he's talking about. Vampires don't exist, right? Nah they don't he must be missing a few marbles because that doesn't make any sense at all.

"Okay, so all this is a bit overwhelming so Darren Steve let's go. Now." I say tugging him towards the door.

"No Babe, he's going to do it," He smiled excitedly. "He's going to change us."

What is this. Steve too? Did they get into some bad cheese? This is crazy town. All I know for sure is that I am scared out of my head and I want to go home and talk with Isabel, my older sister. And possibly go to a futuristic hospital to have my brain erased of this night, because I don't want to think of it ever again.

Before I knew what is going on the man grabs my hand and digs his nails into my fingertips, drawing blood.

"Ow," I say "What the hell was that for, you dirty freak now I probably have AIDS or some other nasty STD." he tightened his grip on my wrist and it was really hard and hurt bad. I didn't think someone could be so strong. I thrashed and thrive under his grip, clawing at his hand to let go. As soon as he did there was a faint bruise where his hand had been.

All the while Steve was yelling his head off at Crepsley.

"Alright, young Spirit," he smiles sinisterly "next hand." Crepsley reaches down and yanks on my left hand once again piercing my fingertips. He does the same to himself, then confuses me even more by connecting our bleeding hands. At first I only feel a strange tingly sensation in my digits, then pain, searing, burning pain being pumped through me by my heart. Black dots swim across my vision, my knees get weak. Somebody grabs my waist, steading me. Presently after he disconnects out hands I fall back onto the person supporting me. As I breath I can smell that it's Darren.

I feel different, more... powerful. I stand on my feet, and grin. I feel powerful and I like it. Nobody can push me from my pedestal.

"Feels good, doesn't it." Crepsley says to me, I nod, no longer scared, I have no doubts that this man is a vampire and I am too, even if I have no idea how I know that. I inhale. Aha, that's how I know; the way Steve smells the human blood running through his veins I just- I just. I just want to sink my teeth into his skin and drink until there's nothing, it's hard not to. I think Crepsley smells like me and it has no appeal. I have no problems not drinking his blood. it's like human presented with a cup of human blood or any blood really, they do not want to drink that nasty stuff.

Darren is being changed right now so he doesn't smell that great either but Steve his sent is over whelming, if we hadn't been friends for about 10 years I don't think I'd be able to stop myself. Darren looks the same way now that Crepsley pulled apart from him too. And Darren got back on his feet. No wonder Steve wanted to be one of these for so long it feels nice, power coursing through you, I feel invincible, well I guess I kind of am.

Crepsley kept his word of not changing Steve. I think that alone should have made him go after the Orange Haired Man. But he didn't.

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