Chapter Seventeen

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Theme song: 'Titanium' by David Guetta

Steve smiled and shook his head

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, Love."

"Me too, now, my throat is burning maybe I could get some god dammed blood," I said threw gritted teeth.

I am not in a good mood and I'm sore all over and I smell terrible. I need a bath but first some freaking blood would be nice.

"Here you are, Elizabeth," Mr. Crepsley said handing me a bottle

Steve, Darren and Isabel look at me in shock waiting to see what I will do for being called by my full name. Oddly it did not effect me. I caught it as Mr. Crepsley threw it to me. At lest someone comes prepared. If I didn't have Mr. Crepsley I would be yelling at everyone.

"Elizabeth, you will not be able to come with us as soon as I had hoped and as a result of the operation of chain suicides will be put back for a while considering you are the first domino to fall." Mr. Crepsley told me.

I had no clue I would die first and it was important. Hell I didn't even know it was going to be suicides. It angers me that I was not informed on the plan of how I was going to die. It's my death I have a right to know.

"How come I didn't know I was going to be a suicide?" I asked

"Well with your past it is the most believable thing. The plan was you 'become depressed' that's what experts will say, and jump off an abandoned building roof. But you, making sure your body was not left to the wolves, you call your two best friends, Steve and Darren. You tell them it's 'just to hang out' but really are sent there to discover your body.

"Steve being a mournful young lover wishes to join you in the great beyond convinces Darren to join him on the roof. Steve jumps leaving Darren tearful and awestruck. Darren enduring watching the death of his best friend and finding the body of his other best friend goes into a mental breakdown of some sort and takes the leap of faith himself.

"Though we can't throw you off a building when you already can't move but now carrying some evidence of rape so you committing suicide is even more likely."

That was a grand speech, I hate every word of it.

"Do not say that out loud I hate it." I say through gritted teeth

"Say what?" Mr. Crepsley asked

"The four letter word that begins with R,"

"Of course I am sorry to the greatest extent please, forgive me for being so unaware of your personal feelings." he bowed

Wow! That was elegant. If anyone but him said that it would be an insult.

"Apology excepted," I mumbled

"But now back to the damage done from the Incident, you cannot go to a hospital but the same thing holding you back is the same thin that will heal you. Also you need to tell us what exactly happened."

"Give me a blood bottle, a pen and paper," I said

They did and I got to work there is no way I could say all this. I let my scrawled writing flow onto the page so they can see how that can help me without professional medical assistance. About an hour later I had my works and it is complete.

"Don't read it here and do it one at a time," I command, there is no way I can listen to them gasp or whatever when reading it let alone see them as they do. I moved my feet so Steve could sit by me, I need him very much right now as you could imagine. He still felt too far away. I wiggles my fingers for him to come by my face.

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