Chapter Eighteen

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Theme song: "I Want You Back" by The Jackson 5

Liz p.o.v.

"I cannot believe he would ever treat me like that." I say shaking my head and trying really hard not to cry

I continued to stutter and wheeze for a few days. I hate feeling this way. So helpless and exposed.

Four days later I can hear someone opening the front door even from the basement, Darren and I both instinctively turned our heads to the stairs. Someone walked over to the stairs and started walking down.

When I see the person and realize who it is I squeal dive under the blanket without realizing that was really dumb. He sat down between Darren and I, the blanket is by the end and Darr is in the middle so I was squished. Steve pulled the blanket on the floor in one swift motion.

Before I had the chance to get up or say anything, he kissed me. And God he's so brave and bold, I love it.

So I, of course, did the most ludicrous and stupid thing that I could possibly ever do; kissed him back. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into me not realizing how much I needed him and missed him. I pulled away for just a second and managed to say

"I almost forgot that I am mad at you,"

"Maybe I can make you forget completely?"

I moaned "I hope so," I pushed my lips to his only after did I really know what I said. Wow I need to think before I speak and act.

I sat up "I'm going home, bye Darren bye Steve."

I made it very clear that I was going home alone and keeping it that way.

Steve p.o.v.

I watched Liz walk up the stairs and listened to her leave. Only after counting to ten after the door closing did I speak.

"Did we just make up? Or what the hell was that?"

"She's really mad at you for saying that stuff and dude you really hurt her what the hell is wrong with you I thought you loved her?"

"I do love her I just get, I just get mad and I do stupid stuff I regret and I get mad. Plain and simple."

"Well this is plain and simple too, don't do it again! She doesn't deserve to be treated like this especially after the Incident. You said things just as bad as he did and you are supposed to be the one that loves and respects her not bullies her she loves you and you lead her to believe you loved her too! It can't possibly be that hard to figure out!"

"Do you love her?" I asked, suddenly getting that impression.

"Yes, I do, I love Liz. I love her like a sister and I know that, so does she. She loves you and Liz knows you know that! But the million dollar question is do you love her back? Figure that out and then I will go on this vampire adventure with you. Then, hear comes the hard part, you have to act like you feel the way you decide."

I tried to stay calm and not get mad just like he said. It's really hard but I just nodded and left. What I really wanted to do was go see Liz but Darren's right. I have to figure out if I'm going to love her or not.

By the time morning rolled around I knew how I am going to figure out how I feel. First I'm going to a doctor to see if I can take something for my anger problems so I called in to make an appointment.

After getting back from the pharmacy with my new prescription I drove home to take it. It has been three days since I had my run in with Liz. I can stand it but I feel like something is missing, something big. I am making myself go a full week without having any contact with her and do what Liz does; be completely honest with myself even if I can't with other people. To see of I miss loving Liz more than fighting with Liz. Okay be honest, insulting Liz not fighting.

Liz p.o.v.

It's been five days after my fight with Steve, I miss him terrible. I'm just laying on the couch with the TV on not really watching it, snacking on uncooked steak that I found in the freezer waiting for his call. Ready to try and forgive him. I know it's seems soon but Darren said something about seeing a doctor and getting medicine. I can forget what happened better knowing he is sick. I can't help but love him, no matter what. I waited two more days before Steve called me.

"Hello?" I started to ask into the phone but was interrupted

"Liz baby I'm so sorry I love you and I know that for sure now Darren said I have to choose between nice and mean and I choose nice, nice for sure. I missed you so much the past week. Please take me back I know I was being a jerk and you should probably hate me and never speak to me again but I love you, I love you, I love you. I want you to know that. I'm better now and I love you babe I miss you take me back. Please." He said it so fast I barley could understand him

"Baby, honey slow down don't get yourself worked up I have been thinking myself-"

"When do you not think through things and decisions?" he laughed

I laughed too "Never, but Darren told me about the doctor and the medicine I have been slowly forgiving you since it happened I just never realized it." by now I was walking down my front steps running down the side walk

"I will take you back I just need time-"

"How much time? I can give you time, especially now we have plenty of time."

"Give me about six seconds."

"Huh?" I rang the door bell and heard Steve get off the couch and race to the door right as he flung the door open he pulled me into his arms just like at Darren's house we kissed intense and hungry. He pulled me into the house closing the door with my foot we jogged up the stairs like the summer bell just rang, Steve first. Halfway up I stopped and looked up at Steve.

"I'm sticking by what I said earlier, about not going to far."

He groaned and I giggled at that.

"You are so difficult," I gave him a warning look so he smoothed it over with "sometimes."

Steve grabbed my hand, once again not thinking with the head on his neck, up to his room. As soon as we got there, which was fast considering we are vampires, Steve pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside doing the same with mine, and he kissed me.

Damn I missed that. Me and him cuddled together not bothering to care where his mother is. That's the only perk to having a drunk for a mother, you can have the privacy you so desperately crave as a teenager. The next thing I know my phone is ringing and I'm searching the room to find it before remembering that it is still in my pants pocket which have made a comfy home on the floor.

Struggling to get it out of the pocket with Steve whining for me to come back to the bed and forget about who ever is calling, it stopped ringing.

One missed call from: Isabel

"Shit, it was Bell." Steve asked if she knows where I am, she doesn't. I called her back

"Sorry, I couldn't find my phone."

"It's okay I was worried where did you go?"

"Steve's, I'll tell you later."

"Okay bye."

"Come here," Steve said hopelessly with his arm extended then let it drop.

I walked over arms out and sat beside him then leaned on his shoulder, he kissed the top of my head.

"I've missed you, babe." he said

"I've missed you too," I hugged him

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