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Midoriya awoke with his ears ringing. His vision was blurry as he sat up slowly. He started looking around to see where he was, he smelled the scent of an IV drip and cleaner, he saw the white sheets and to his left Mr. Aizawa, still unconscious. He was in Recovery Girl's infirmary.

"Ah, you're awake. Good." Recovery girl said as she approached the green haired teen. Pure fear settled in his stomach as he realized Todoroki was not with them.
"W-where i-is Todoro-" Midoriya barely choked out.
Recovery girl shushed him with her finger, "You'll need to calm down, if you don't I'll be forced to put you back to sleep. The pro-hero's are looking for him now."
"Wha-what do you mean looking?!" Midoriya tried to sound less panicked but couldn't hide the fact that he was terrified. Where was Todoroki? Recovery girl sighed.
"The villain Lotus was spotted in the town, Aizawa knew that you and Todoroki had gone to visit Todoroki's mother, he got there as fast as he could to try and get you both back to U.A. safely. Unfortunately, Lotus found you all first. We aren't sure what happened after that but Endeavor found you and Aizawa on the street, unconscious, and Todoroki was missing."
Midoriya felt a pit in his stomach. How did he let himself pass out when a villain was right there? How could he not have protected his boyfriend? He didn't even land a smash on her. He didn't feel himself start to shake or cry, until Recovery Girl landed a kiss on his forehead and he became drowsy and heavy again.
"I told you, you need to stay calm. I'm sorry dear." She whispered as Midoriya fell back into a deep sleep. Not long after, she saw Aizawa begin to stir awake.
"Recovery girl? What happened?" He questioned as he sat up. He glanced over at Midoriya who clearly had fresh tears still falling down his face despite his sleeping state.
"Todoroki was taken by Lotus." She said quietly in Aizawa's direction. Aizawa slammed his fists into the bed.
"Dammit. I let it happen again." He held his head in his hands. All Might entered Recovery Girl's room with a knock.
"All Might, good you're here. Midoriya will not stay asleep for much longer, his injuries are healed for the most part. I kept part of his neck injury there so that I could put him to sleep if he woke up panicked, which of course he did." Recovery girl explained to the former number one hero. All Might nodded in understanding.
"Any news on Todoroki's whereabouts?" Aizawa looked at him, hopeful. All Might looked down.
"All we know is that he was taken by Lotus. We saw it on the security cameras from downtown. We haven't found their location yet, Endeavor is out there searching with Gang Orca and Hawks as we speak."
Aizawa looked upset by this news. "I need to go help." He stated. All Might shook his head, "You should stay here. We're going to need help keeping Midoriya and the other students contained. You remember what happened when Young Bakugou was taken. We can't let them go after Todoroki, especially because we don't know what Lotus's quirk is." All Might explained. Aizawa looked up at him, understanding that it was his duty to protect his students.
"You're right. I might understand her quirk though, it has something to do with being able to slow time. It's the only way to explain how my quirk didn't work on her." Aizawa told the frail hero.
"Explain?" All Might pushed.
"When I first realized she was in front of us, I obviously activated my quirk quickly, trying to cancel hers out. It didn't work though, and moments after pulling my goggles down, everything slowed down, I could barely move and then she was behind me in an instant. I didn't have time to even turn around and see what was happening with the boys. The next thing I knew, I was out cold." Aizawa cringed at the memory, "It must have been a slow motion quirk, and she must have activated it right before I activated mine so, it never affected her." All Might nodded.
"Slow motion quirks are rare. This isn't good." He looked down with concern written on his face. It didn't take long for him to realize that Midoriya had woken up and heard the majority of the conversation.
"You're not going to let us help find Todoroki?" Midoriya questioned quietly. Aizawa and All Might jumped, a bit startled but quickly grew serious.
"No, Young Midoriya. It's not safe, as close as you all are to becoming Pro-Hero's. You have about a year left, and you specifically have taken so much damage over the years. We have no idea how powerful this group is, I cannot let you run off trying to be a pro-hero and get yourself killed." All Might tried to make him understand.
"That's my boyfriend that's been taken. I can't sit here and do nothing." Midoriya grew angry more and more at the words his mentor spoke out. Aizawa decided to interrupt.
"I cannot allow you or your classmates out of my sight, but there is a way I think that we can help this rescue mission."

                             Downtown Hospital

Reí could hear the frantic rolling of gurneys with injured civilians on them. Her stomach turned as she requested to watch the news.

"Downtown has been attacked yet again this afternoon, resulting in 24 casualties, 12 of which were fatal. The villain group Envy are the ones responsible. Pro-hero, Endeavor, Gang Orca and Hawks are on patrol searching for the ones responsible. We wonder how Endeavor will respond, with the news of his son being taken by the group-"

Reí felt her heart speed up. She felt a fury run through her body. Enraged at this sick woman who was her former best friend. Memories rang through her head in full motion.

"i can't even look at the children Lucy. They all remind me of him. Especially Shoto, his red hair... it's exactly like his. I need help Lucy, please help me. Get me out of here." Reí told Lucy over the phone.

"Mom?" A very young Todoroki questioned. Rei turned around horrified, staring at him with eyes that resembled that of a insane person's. The little Todoroki ran to his mom, scared of her words but wanting nothing more than to be comforted by her. In a impulse reaction, she threw the kettle of boiling water at him, severely burning his red haired side of his face. She heard his blood curdling scream, as the searing pain shot through her young child.
Rei felt her heart drop into her stomach, realizing what she had done. She tried to reach out for him, to comfort him and apologize for her actions. She felt like she was going crazy.
"Oh... oh my... Shoto come here baby. Mommy's sorry, mommy is so sorry." She tried whispering reaching for him, his cries only got louder as he backed away from his caregiver, holding his fresh burn. Touya and the other siblings heard Shoto crying and came running.
"Mom?! What happened?! What happened?!" Touya kept yelling, holding Shoto in his arms trying to soothe him. Fuyumi grabbed Shoto from Touya and began icing his burn, calming the screaming child a little. Reí couldn't respond to her children, she was in tears, dissociating from reality, horrified at her actions. The phone on the ground next to her, her friend Lucy still on the line, hearing everything.
Endeavor walked in shortly after, grabbing Reí by the arm.
"What have you done Reí?" His deep voice echoed in her head. She remained stone cold, not a single thing running through her head. Hours had gone by before she came out of her dissociation, and before she knew it she was in the hospital. Alone. Unknown to her, Lucy had heard everything. Including Endeavors plans to lock her up in the hospital forever. A nurse came in a few days later with a phone call for Reí. Reí hoped it was her children, but it was Lucy.
"Reí? Are you okay?" Lucy questioned, voice coated in concern.
"I-uhm- ... I hurt Shoto." Rei began to cry.
"Listen, I'm going to kill Enji. I'm going to get you out of there. It's going to take me a little bit but trust me, I'm coming for you Rei." Lucy informed her friend. Rei's heart sank, "No, no Lucy don't. Please don't make it worse." Rei pleaded with her.
"Rei, you need help. I will kill that man whose done this to you." Before Rei could respond, Lucy hung up. Lucy attempted to call her many times after but gave up. Years had passed since that fateful day and Rei believed she was in the clear, avoiding talking to her friend hopefully had swayed her friend from involving herself further. She was never more wrong.

Reí snapped out of her horrific memories. Todoroki had been taken by Lucy. She had to do something, she had to get in touch with her other children.
She rang a nurse to bring her a phone so that she could make a phone call.
"Hello?" The voice of her daughter questioned, she had been noticeably crying by the sound of her voice.
"Fuyumi? It's mom, sweetie." Rei said, thankful that the years had healed her relationship with her kids. Fuyumi broke into tears again, "Mom they have Shoto." Rei's heart dropped again, "I know Fuyumi. I need you to discharge me from the hospital." She more demanded than told her only daughter.
"Wait, what? Am I allowed to do that?" Fuyumi was so confused.
"You're going to need your brother to pretend to be Enji." Rei told her. Fuyumi got the message and understood, knowing her mom was up to something.

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