Chapter 13

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TW: Homophobia and mild violence

Trixie POV-

Monday's always suck but this one is particularly horrible. When I get to school Katya isn't here yet, which is odd and a little lonely as now I have to sit alone to wait for the bell to ring. To make matters worse Jason and his friend Steve do happen to be early today. "Hey Trixie!" Jason yells across the cafeteria. They're approaching the table, surprisingly. I don't say anything.

"Oh so ever since she's got this new girlfriend she's too good to even talk to us?" Steve taunts.

I roll my eyes, and look back down at the table, wishing they will just go away. I'm so not in the mood today. And now that Katya is a part of this (she must be right?) their words make my blood boil. Just me is one thing, but Katya is another. "Will you just mind your own business for a second?" I ask. "Or are your own lives just not interesting enough for that."

Some girls from the table over glance at us. My stomach churns and I feel my palms go clammy. I fucking hate this. "Leave her alone." Ginger says, and I realize she's sitting at the table with the rest of the girls.

I appreciate her trying to help, but I know it's going to do everything other than help. Jason turns around and flips her off, I see another boy, Ben, coming to join him. It's too early for there to be teachers around and I know if they do anything that nothing will happen. There's fear in my chest beneath the anger. It rises slowly and sticks in my throat. I want to scream at them, I want to cry for someone to get me out of this school. But I don't say anything. Nobody says anything for a moment. I wish they would, the silence is far more scary than their sharp words. Finally, Steve breaks the silence. "Look, I don't care if you're gay. But the whole world doesn't have to know it Trixie. When I walk down the hallway I don't want to know I'm sharing it with a fag and her slutty girlfriend."

"Don't bring her into this." I say through clenched teeth.

"Oh so you admit it." He replies. "She is your girlfriend."

I have to bite my cheeks to keep myself from crying, I didn't want to bring her into this. I didn't want to confirm anything. If they try to hurt her I don't know what I'll do.

He slinks around the table so he's standing just inches from me. I'm aware of every nerve in my body. I can feel blood through every single vein. I can't hear anything. Before anything else is said they have their backs turned, walking to the senior hallway like nothing ever happened. I don't know why they've left, why they stopped. Ginger is getting up from the table, her friends are all whispering amongst each other. I don't know what they have to say and I don't care. Maybe I'm being selfish, but this feels like too little too late. I've made it this far, I don't want them to step in now and act like the hero's. Everything will only get worse the more people are involved. Ginger doesn't reach the table before I have my bad slung over my shoulder. We hardly make eye contact as I walk away. She mouths a sorry. She's not the one who needs to apologize.

By the time I get to the bathroom there's only a few minutes until the first bell rings. Only 20 minutes until class then. Then 7 hours of school. I can make it through the day, I always do.

When I get to my locker Katya is there. She can immediately tell I'm in a horrible mood. "What's up?" She asks, looking concerned.

I shake my head knowing if I tell her about it I'll start crying. "It's just been a shitty morning."

"Same shit as usual?"

I nod. Katya knows not to hug me. Instead she squeezes my arm gently. "See you at lunch?"

"Yep." I reply.

Bio sucks. We've stated that many times. And today I'm just not feeling the whole vibe of existing. Nobody says anything to me, we take notes for most of the class. As I'm walking out I see Katya in the hallway. Stepping foreword out of the group of people huddled by the doorway I try to go and catch up with her. Steve steps in front of me. "I see where you're going."

"Okay." I reply. "And what?"

"I told you I didn't want to share the hallway with fags. Stay away from her."

My whole body is filled with the urge to punch him. Typically he isn't even this bad, but ever since Jason sent him to basically spy on me and Katya he's been a real annoyance. "Are you ever going to learn to just shut the fuck up?" I snap at him. "Because the whole world doesn't revolve around you Steve. And in 20 years when you're finally confident enough to come out of the closet, I'm going to be so happy for you, because it means maybe you'll finally have your own life to worry about. Instead of mine."

"You're the gay one." He replies. He's too close to comfort, right up in my face. "If you call me gay ever again, I will have you kicked out of school. I don't give a fuck what you think about me. You're the one going to hell, and I'm the one trying to save you."

I step back from him, running my back into the wall. "I need to go to class." I stammer. I have to duck under his arm and make a run for it to get away from him.

Just my luck I'm late for my next class because of him and I don't have the energy to tell them why. At this point I'm thinking of just going home.

Lunch finally comes, Katya is already at our table when I get there. I sit across from her, she leans on her hands. I can see she's tired. If only we could just have our perfect weekend back. Fall asleep next to her again, wake up and shop for Prom dresses all over again. But here we are stuck at a lunch table, wondering if we're going to go crazy. I'm afraid of Prom. Honestly I am, but I still want to go.

"What are you doing!" Katya shouts suddenly.

I look up to see Jason behind her with his hands on her shoulders. "Get away from her." I growl. He doesn't move. After Katya shouted half the cafeteria is looking over at us. "I said get away from her."

He doesn't move, my anger only grows. Katya elbows him off and stands up so he can't grab her as easily. "So you're her girlfriend then?" Jason says to her. I don't want her in this. I wish we weren't out. I wish it was still a secret. I wish they wouldn't have found out.

"Yeah." Katya says, her face completely blank. "And it shouldn't matter to you. So if you don't mind Trixie and I are going to go."

I stand up with her, she turns away from him but Steve and Ben stand from their table behind us and surround her. "You know she's only gay because of the drugs right?" Steve says. "Everyone but you seems to know it Trixie."

"Shut up."

Katya keeps her face blank, but I can see behind her eyes she's terrified. Jason grabs her hands. She tries to pull them away from his grasp but the hold is too firm. "Why don't you come over tonight?" He says.

"What?" She asks, glancing to me.

"Why don't you come over tonight. Then you'll realize you're just confused. Both of you are."

Katya shakes her head. "You're the one confused."

He pretends to grind on her. "Come on, all three of us could change your mind."

His hands move up her arms, grasping her shoulders so tight that his fingers turn white. Katya freezes. I don't think. I can't think.

My fist smashes into his chest. He falls backward, landing on a chair. Katya's mouth falls open. Multiple people shout in the background.

It's already done. I can't take that back now. My knuckles are already beginning to ache.

So u h ya'll wanted a twist? I'll either update tonight or by the end of the week. Two more chapters.

I'm going to leave it sorta open ended so I could write a sequel later. Idk. Hope you're all liking it. It's getting spicy.

Have a great day loves :p

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