Chapter 2

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I genuinely think about staying home from school on Tuesday. My grandma would let me, she knows I'm responsible and I wouldn't skip for no reason. But I decide to go because I don't want the other kids to think that I'm that bothered.

The hallways are like always, crowded and tight as I find my way to my locker. I didn't sleep last night and I'm sure it shows on my face. My book bag feels too heavy and my shoulders ache to put it down. I know I can't leave it in the locker because they don't actually lock. My arms feel empty without my notebook but I'm never bringing it to school again. I learned that lesson yesterday.

Some of the students turn their heads, noticeable in the senior hallway as we almost never see anyone else. I can't believe I forgot there was a new girl coming. This could make my day a whole lot worse. She looks angry, her curly blonde hair frames her face, she wears only black with a lot of lace. There's no way she isn't going to get crap for that here. As she gets closer it surprises me how small she actually is. Her presence makes her seem like she towers over us all but in reality she's at least a few inches shorter than me; and though I'm slightly taller than average I'm definitely not the tallest girl in the grade.

She stops at her locker, pulling it open with a click. Carly and her friends surround the girl, engulfing her in excited conversation. Great. She's definitely going to hate me after they get a hold of her for a few days. I turn away, rubbing my eyes, hoping they aren't as red as they were earlier. I just need to go to class.

Nobody says anything to be all morning and I feel like a zombie. People didn't converse with me before but some girls at least gave a nod in my direction when I showed up to class. Now it's just me at my desk. The history teacher drones on about some war we learned about in every single grade before. I can feel my eyes getting heavy. I wish I could've slept last night.

I feel a tap on the back of my head and sit up abruptly. I hear a snicker behind me. There's another tap. Why can't they just leave me alone? My head whips around to face them. It's Max, one of Jason and Ben's friends. He's holding a pencil in I his hand, what he was tapping me with.

"Stop it." Comes my voice but it's slightly shaky.

"What are you going to do about it?" He asks. "Nobody is here to stand up for you."

He's right and that's what stings. There isn't anyone, at least in this classroom that gives a shit about me. My stomach twists but I keep a straight face, raising my hand. Jason snorts trying to stifle his laughter. Max joins in for a moment. "You're a senior in high school Trixie, no teacher is going to come save you."

I leave my hand in the air. When he calls on me my voice comes out louder than before. "Can I please have the pass?"

It's rare for me to leave class so I'm handed the pass without question. I grab my backpack and take it with me so they don't do anything to my stuff.

The bathroom is cold and maybe not the ideal place to be but at least there's a stall door to hide behind. There are already tears streaming down my face and I glad I didn't wear makeup today. I sit behind the door, leaned against the cool cement wall. Though I try, it's hard to be quiet. They hardly did anything to me, maybe I'm just being dramatic. I cry to easily. I just want them to like me so much. And now instead of not knowing I'm there they actively dislike me. My stomach hurts, my face burns from the salty tears. I don't want to be here.

Suddenly, the door creaks open and a girl walks in. It's probably one of the girls from my class who's been told to come check on me because I've been gone for a while. But nothing is said. It can't be that. I freeze against the wall, trying to not even breathe but the girl already knows I'm in here, and it's clear I'm in here for another reason than going to the bathroom because I'm sitting on the floor. There's a soft knock against the stall door. "Are you alright?" The voice says. I don't recognize it.

"Yeah." I reply through tears. It's not convincing at all.

"Wanna talk about it?"

She has to be joking. None of the girls at school like me anymore. "Who is it?"

"Uh Katya." Comes her soft voice. "New girl."

"Oh." I pause to think for a second. I want to trust her but she could be here to torment me further. "Did the other kids send you?"

"No." She says.

"Then why are you in here?" I ask.

Katya waits a moment before answering. "I got bored in class and-" She stops mid sentence. "Whatever, just are you okay?"

I stand up and open the stall door. She's standing there, her chiseled features still looking harsh even when she's trying to be kind to me. "yeah, it's fine they hardly even did anything."

"Hug?" I nod and she pulls me in tightly, continuing. "Hard day?"

"yeah." I reply as she lets me go. "It's been a little crazy since yesterday."

Her brows furrow. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

We stand in silence. "That's okay." She tells me. "If anyone is mean to you again, I'll beat them up for you. Got it?"

That gets a laugh out of me and I feel a little better. "Thanks." I say. "We should probably get back to class."

She nods. "Do you think I could sit by you at lunch?"

My heart flutters in my chest. "Uh, yeah, sure."

Katya pretends not to notice how taken aback I am from her question. "Alright, see you." She smiles, teeth gleaming. She turns around and leaves the bathroom before I can say anything else.

For a moment all I can do is stand there confused. I thought they said she was bad news. I splash cold water on my face and run back to class before someone asks why it took me so long. Back in my desk I can't think of anything other than Katya. Would it be wishful thinking to expect her to stay around?

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