Chapter 1

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Trixie POV-

Monday's always come sooner than I'd like. School, to be very blunt, really sucks. I have one friend, Carly, and she's nice and all but I don't think she really likes me that much. We talk, we eat lunch together, but she hangs out with other girls most of the time and that's okay with me. As long as people keep leaving me alone, I'll be okay. It's my last year here, the last year with the same group of kids I've gone to school with since first grade. One more year.

I head to bio, my first class of the day. My glasses are dirty but I don't want to clean them until I get to class because let's be real, I can't see shit without them. The hallways clear out after a moment and I get to class pretty fast. Same people as always, not much to look at. The lesson drones on and on, over something we're re-learning today. I don't bother to listen. I hate biology.

The bell rings and wakes me up, something that almost never happens. It doesn't typically matter how bored I get, I'm not a kid to sleep in class. I suppose today is different. I gather my things as fast as I can, hurrying out of the classroom to get to calculus, which happens to be my second favorite subject. When I get there Mrs. Becker smiles at me as I sit down in my desk. "How are you Trixie?" She asks, checking my name on attendance.

"Good." I reply. "You?"

"Good as well."

The class starts like usual, I'm engaged in the work she gives us to work on. It's my favorite kind of day in here, where there isn't a lesson just a sheet to work on so we can ask questions while we figure things out. Like I always do, I get done early and place the paper on the edge of her desk, returning to my seat. I reach under my chair. Fuck.

The notebook is gone. I can already feel my fingers shaking, panic rising in my chest. If anyone has read what's in that notebook I'm dead. "Uh Mrs. Becker?" I stammer. "I think I left my notebook in bio, can I go get it?" Normally she wouldn't let anyone leave in class but she can tell I'm a little nervous.

She hand me a pass and I practically run out of the room, trying to get to bio as fast as I can. When I get there my heart plummets to my feet. "Oh my god." I mutter under my breath. There's Jason, standing in the front of the class, no teacher in sight. And he has my notebook in hand, reading it allowed. Tears prick at my eyes, I need to run, I can't let them know it's mine. I just have to let it go. But I stand for a minute too long.

"Oh did you forget this?" Jason says loudly, motioning at the door. The class turns to look at me through the rectangular window. I think I know how animals in a zoo feel every day. I don't move. I can't. "Don't worry." He adds, walking to the door to open it. He looks me in the eyes and smirks. "We just got done with it. You can have it back. Dyke."

My chest physically aches. I feel sick to my stomach.

"Take it." Jason tells me. He shoves the book to my chest. "It's all yours."

I wish I was invisible. If I could melt into the floor right now and never come back to this school I'd be perfectly happy. I feel my fingers grasp the rough edge of the book and a tear falls down my face while he shuts the door. Some of the kids in the class look back laughing at me, the rest have their heads turned away, the second hand embarrassment too much for them. 'Imagine how I feel about now' I want to say to them. But I don't say anything, I just wipe the tears on my sleeve, completely aware that my makeup is definitely smudged. I guess I'm heading back to calc.

Handing the pass back to Mrs. Becker she can tell I've been crying. She opens her mouth to ask, but I'd rather not share. I just shake my head, she'll overhear one of the students talking about it soon enough. I'd ask to go home but of course this is the one day that my grandma isn't out at her little bakery job or sewing with friends. There's no way I can go home and face her like this. She'll ask so many questions and while it's because she cares, the last thing I want to do right now is re-live that moment.

I make it to lunch without too much trouble. I put the notebook back in my locker, as if that would do anything. I still get stares as I go to sit down at my usual table. That's the thing about small schools, it's great when everyone's your friend, but when they aren't anymore you feel like such an outsider. 'Carly will get here' I tell myself. 'She wouldn't ditch you over something so silly and minor'. But she doesn't show. When everyone is seated and chatting I finally gain the courage to look up. Carly is with the girls she hangs out with on the weekends. She doesn't even look over at me, didn't tell me she was sitting somewhere else today. We've sat together every day since freshman year. It doesn't matter if we weren't great friends. She was my only friend. Now I don't even have one. Instead I have the 91 kids in my grade tip toeing around me like I'm something to be afraid of.

It sounds creepy, but when I have nobody to talk to I just listen to the table next to me. It's filled with boys, one of them being Jason. I expect to hear something bad about me or another person I know. But instead I hear a new name. "Yeah there's a new girl coming tomorrow." I hear Ben say.

"How do you know?" One of the others asks him, I can't tell which one, they all sound the same.

"My mom knows her mom. Her daughters a wreck, I heard that she got expelled from her old school."

"For what?" Voices jump in.

Ben pauses for a minute. "Guess we'll just have to see. I bet she's mean, but who cares, not like she'll be here for long."

He's right. The transfers never are. Either they come for a semester and get pulled out because their parents don't like something about the teachers, or they immediately do something to get themselves kicked out. Why can't we ever get a nice transfer student? Maybe one that's queer? So I don't have to sit alone every day?

I don't want to believe this will be the rest of my senior year, all by myself, getting called a dyke by Jason and all his friends. I guess a new girl is good though. Hopefully their attention will be turned to her instead of the incident from this morning. Although it could all go south. One more student is one more to gang up on me. That makes 91 against me.

If anyone is here thanks for reading the first chapter! I'm actually really proud of what I have planned for this and I think it's going to be super cute <3

Have a great day!

Prom- TrixyaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora