Sleep Comes Hard

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So, we all know Faye is a very anxious person, and I wanted to write about something that delves into that a little more because it seems like all my characters are somewhat happy when they're in a healthy relationship with their respective Harry, but sometimes it's okay to be sad. Faye, you can say, isn't exactly the most emotionally stable person so I wanted to expand on that. I've never written about that, therefore, I present this! Thanks for reading!


Harry's been waiting outside his – usually very punctual – girlfriend for about twenty minutes now, sending her messages and honking his horn over and over to get her to come out, but he's stopped in fear a very surly neighbor will come out to confront him. He's not exactly in a rush, however it's a bit concerning that she hasn't even shot him a quick text saying she's running a bit late as she usually does. Faye is the type of person to plan everything out, so if she says she'll be outside at 10am, then she will definitely be sitting on her doorstep waiting for him, even giving him a lecture when he pulls up ten minutes later. That's what is so worrying. Twenty minutes late to Faye is absolutely unacceptable.

He tries not to, however his mind wanders to the irrational part of his brain where he thinks something terrible has happened. But it's all hypothetical. He spoke to her right before they fell asleep!

He finally puts his car in park, shuts the engine off, and hops out, twirling his keys in between his fingers. He really loves her apartment building and a part of him misses living in his previous smaller apartment, however the nostalgia is purely momentary. He likes his housemate now.

Faye's doorbell is still broken, he realizes, when he tries to buzz himself in. Instead of waiting for her, he ends up going straight to her room, hoping there's a chance she'll open the door for him there.

Is she upset with him? Did he say something stupid? Sometimes he has the habit of speaking without thinking, but as he climbs the stairs, he ponders over it. He'd seen her two nights ago when they went out for dinner. He didn't say anything out of line. He didn't text her anything insensitive, and he knows, because Faye can take things to heart sometimes. All in all, he's very careful about what he says over text since he has time to process it first, especially since it's still the beginning of their relationship.

He arrives at her door, still in thought, and raises his hand to knock on her door. Nothing. He waits a moment and then tries again. Still nothing. He's never had to use the spare key she's given him, however he has no choice, shoving the metal into the keyhole and turning.

The living room is at the entrance, so it's what he seems immediately, and his heart threatens to break in his chest when he sees his girlfriend on the couch fast asleep. The first thing he notices is that she doesn't have a blanket over her, and the second is that she's still wearing her jeans cardigan, so there isn't a doubt in his mind that the outfit must be extremely uncomfortable. He enters with deep frown lines on his face as he shuts the door and locks it, quickly removing his shoes.

She's got her hands tucked under her chin as she sleeps, her chest rising and falling with each gentle breath. He pouts, sinking to his knees besides her, tentatively raising his hand to smooth down against her hair. Her face still has her makeup on from the night before, and he catches the slight shimmer of glitter on her eyelids, probably something from rehearsals. And fuck, the dark circles under her eyes make him grimace as he runs his thumb over them. She looks so peaceful, it breaks his heart to wake her up.

The only thing that makes his heart hurt even more are the tear streaks that run down her face, cutting through the makeup she has on. He momentarily stops breathing, peering closer to make sure his mind isn't playing tricks on him, however for the first time, he really wishes it was.

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