winter blurb

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Harry gently tucks Faye's hair away from her face after placing his car in park. He smiles. "Call me when you're done. I'm going to be around here, yeah? Have to shop for Christmas gifts."

Harry has been driving Faye to work often. He's seen her shivering her way into his apartment far too many times. No matter how many layers she has on, she's still always freezing and often complaining about how cold the buses are, how cold the waits at the bus stops are. So he cranks up the heat in his car and drives her to and from work whenever he can.

Even under the heat, she's shivering, pressing her trembling hands between her thighs to warm them up. "Yes. I'll call you."

"When you have a chance, please let me know what you would like your gift to be, all right?"

She smiles. "I don't know what I want."

"Well, figure it out and tell me quickly. Only have a few weeks left."

"Isn't the whole point of Christmas getting gifts you know the other person will like?" she grins.

Harry sighs. "I'll get you something I think you'll like, but if you don't like it, I need a back up gift." He narrows his eyes. "You've picked out my gift already?"


He groans softly, leaning in to kiss her. "All right, I'll figure it out. Just don't break up with me when you don't like anything I get you."

She giggles softly and leans over the console to wrap her arms around his neck, kissing him back softly. He tilts his head to the side, pressing his warm nose against her cheek, kissing her one more time.

He leans back then, pressing his lips together, frowning. He waits a few seconds before mumbling, "My mouth is tingling."

"Hmm?" Her eyes are all wide and innocent.

"You''ve got a new chapstick." His tongue darts out to gently touch one side of his mouth. "Doesn't taste like cherries."

"Yeah, I had to switch over to the holiday chapstick. I put on a lot though." She wipes his mouth with her gloves thumbs. "Sorry."

"Don't be," he immediately replies, turning his head to kiss her gloved palm. "What is it? Peppermint right?"

"Yeah. Is it too tingly?"

"No. I like it." He leans in once and kisses her again, holding her cheek softly. He murmurs, "Like I said. Call me when you're done, okay? Wanna spend the night at mine?"

She pulls away, slightly disoriented by the kiss. "I don't have any clothes left over at your place."

"You can wear mine."

"None of my stuff is there. Like my toothbrush or my–"

"I've got spares. You know that."

"Oh right."

He smiles. "Are you trying to get out of staying with me?"

"No!" she laughs, covering her mouth. "I love staying with you!"

"Then why are you being so difficult?"

She laughs again, shaking her head. "It's just that... well your place is so warm and your bed is so warm and your clothes are so big and warm and–"

"None of those are things you've complained about, my love."

"I don't want you to think I use your place just to sleep!"

He sits back in his seat. "I wouldn't mind that. As long as you're sleeping with me."

"It's been too cold to do anything else, you know? I usually just...come over and fall asleep."

Harry's eyebrows raise. "That's fine, Faye. I really don't have any issues with that."

She purses her lips. "All right...If it's all fine by you."

He sighs and leans in, holding her jaw again between his fingers. He kisses her once, hard, and then says, "I love you. Call when you're done, yes?"

She's nodding before he's finished. "Yes."


"Love you more."

"No, I–"

She's out the door before he can finish, a satisfied grin on her face.

He watches her half run into the theatre, holding her coat tight against her body. He waits several moments before putting the car in drive and driving away.

His mouth is still tingling by the time he gets to the mall.

He does not mind a single bit.

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