faye's jealous of harry's social life and harry's patience is wearing thin

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hiii here's a blurb from the universe, in which faye feels jealous of harry's social life and harry kinda loses his patience because he's so tired of having this particular conversation <3. 4.6k words.

anyways, happy reading. also, i'm poor so donate to my ko-fi! thanks!


Faye pours herself a cup of tea and walks over to her sofa, plopping down carefully in an effort to not spill the steaming cup onto her hands. She's done it more than once and it's about time she's learned her lesson. Once, she did it in front of Harry and he had to stop laughing long enough to run to the kitchen and get some paper towels for her. The spill had caused a stain on the brown couch and it took them a few trips to the store to get the right chemicals to get it out. Even then, Harry just hung back and watched her sadly scrub at the fabric. He told her that the mess was hers, but he was just kidding with her. When Faye came back from a rehearsal, the stain was gone. Harry had let himself in and finished the job to make up for his teasing.

He did little things like that often. It made her heart swell with love.

It's 9pm. She sits in the same spot the stain once was. The T.V. remote is on the table in front of her, but she's already settled in snugly, so she pulls out her phone instead to scroll through her social media. Harry is currently out with some coworkers, the designated driver, to celebrate something she can't quite remember. One of his coworkers got married, she thinks. Or engaged. She can't really remember. Her memory hasn't been the best this week.

The first thing her phone opens to is a text from Harry. It's from a few hours ago when she laid down for a nap. It tells her that he's arrived at the bar, just like she asked him to. They always do that.

She texts him that she hopes he's having fun. He's been working so much recently, trying to get enough money so they can start saving up for a place of their own. That conversation was very exciting. When Faye suggested they live together, Harry's eyes lit up and the smile on his face didn't falter for even a second, as if he was waiting for this moment for ages.

She realizes that she's made Harry wait quite a bit, however, he's never complained. Like when she needs a day to herself, or the fact that it took her three months after they started dating to say she loved him while he said it every single day. She can be oblivious to her emotions, or too overwhelmed, but Harry's always been there, patiently waiting for her to gather her thoughts. She'll eventually come to him with an even head. He's never doubted that.

Timmy has posted on his Instagram story, so she looks at it curiously. A smile spreads across her face immediately when she sees Harry and all his coworkers holding their glasses up to touch each others', a ring of "Cheers!" echoing throughout the bar. His glass clearly has soda in it and he smiles as he takes a sip and then the video ends.

Harry looks so happy, she notices, when she rewatches the video. His hair is swept back beautifully. His nail polish is perfect, and his dimples are so deep, she can't see the end of them. He's so ethereal.

She takes a sip of her tea, clicking on Harry's profile. He has a private Instagram just for his personal photos and she begins scrolling. Most of the pictures are of him and her, but a few of them are with his family, some artsy pictures he's taken, and his friends.

Contrary to her boring life, Harry has many friends. Sometimes he'll be talking about one of them and she'll just stare at him, wondering if he knows he's never mentioned this friend before. He enjoys telling her about his friends too, and she can't blame him because they have many adventures together.

Just last week, he went on a hike with a bunch of his university friends, coming back all bright eyed, yet tired. He told her all about it as he was falling asleep, eventually cutting off mid sentence, too fatigued to go on, but the stories continued in the morning.

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