Ch.8: Unknown Territory - The Day

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(I LIVE!!! I'm so sorry you had to wait so long for this chapter. The person who was supposed to draw something for this chapter has been having a rough time the last few months. So, to give her some more time to work on that, I decided to chop the original chapter into two parts! The art that she is working on will be featured in Chapter 9 instead. Thus, this chapter may not have any art in it, aside from the rather crummy map drawing I drew of the island. More sections of the island will be revealed as the story progresses! Sorry about that...thank you for being so patient with me, and I hope this chapter doesn't suck...cause personally, I hate it so much 😅)

"Welcome to Sol et Luna Insulae!" Darkness proclaimed hesitantly.

I quickly stood up and looked at the tall palm trees that towered above us. They looked pretty normal to me. Nothing unusual at all...aside from a few clumps of blue grass that were dotted here and there along the tree line.

"This place already seems fishy," Barb stated. "White, sandy beaches, weird, exotic palm trees..."

"And...whatever the heck this stuff is!" She ran forward, ripped a small clump of the blue grass out of the ground and immediately shoved it in her mouth. It wasn't there for long, because a few seconds later, she spit it back out in disgust. "It's gross! Ew!"

"Barbara!" Katheryn scolded. "Stop that!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh please! Have you always been this disgusting?"

Barb crossed her arms. "No!...Just recently."

"Your majesty's...?" Darkness asked shyly.

I turned around. The void troll was still in the water. "Yes?" I asked.

I watched her swallow the lump in her throat. "At first glance, this island may seem normal, but trust me, it's far from it," she began. "Behind that wall of "exotic" palm trees, as you like to call them, lies many secrets, as well as many dangers. If I were to guess, your special one's are hidden somewhere on the far side of the island."

I smiled warmly at her. "Thank you for the advice," I said. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us? You've obviously been here before."

Darkness shook her head. "I'm very sure! Remember, I didn't even want to bring you here, so why would would I want to go with you?" She turned away from me for a split second. "Sorry...that probably sounded rude..."

"No, it's alright. I understand." If she didn't want to come with us, then that was her choice. "Thank you for bringing us here."

"Yes yes, just please be careful, your majesties. And good luck! Trust me, you're gonna need it..." She turned away from us, looking like she was about ready to leave.

"Darkness, wait!"

I ran towards her; the salt water waves licked at my knees. She leaned up a bit as I whispered into her ear. When I was done, she smiled and nodded.

"Of course! I'll make sure of it!" Then she dove under the water and swam away.


"I already hate it here..." Barb complained while kicking at the sand. "It's hot and humid!"

Katheryn sighed. "...Barb, we literally live in a volcano, surrounded by BOILING lava! It's ALWAYS hot!"

"Yeah, I know that!" She said sarcastically. "But still!"

"Besides, shouldn't you be more worried about the fact that, oh, I don't know, the other hard rock trolls back home have NOBODY to lead them?!" my sister asked in a panicked tone.

"No, I'm not worried, because unlike you, I always have a backup!" Barb announced proudly. Katie looked a bit annoyed, but decided to roll with it.

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