Author's Note

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Hello all my fellow readers!

I have been receiving quite a few messages both on my profile and in my PM's about "When am I going to update this book?", so I have decided to write this author's note to let you know about what the heck is going on, as well as when to expect a new update.

1. A few weeks after I posted the last chapter, I started struggling in school. That came first before anything else. Luckily this semester is finally over, and I ended up passing all of my classes! Yay!

2. Another major reason I cannot update right now is because currently, I am not home! I am in the UK 🇬🇧 for a Summer Study Abroad program! In fact, I am actually typing this on my phone while on a bus!

3. I want to try and include art in as many chapters as possible. This next one is no exception! However, I am not waiting for anyone to make this art, I am going to be making it myself! I am just trying to motivate myself to actually draw said picture (I'm just waiting for a color reference from someone).

4. This next chapter is going to be HUGE, not only plot-wise, but length-wise. I'm trying my best to structure it in a way that is not only understandable for me, but for you as well.

Thank you for listening to my excuses! Now, here are some things you can expect to see in this upcoming chapter:

1. I'm working on updating the map that I had put at the end of Chapter 9 since, spoiler alert, a new area is going to be opening up on it! What is that area exactly? Well, that's for me to know, and you to find out!

2. Two and a half new characters are going to be making themselves known! (Yes, two and a half. I'm saying half instead of three because one of the new character's names will be mentioned, but he won't be actually appearing until Chapter 12.)

Hmm...I think that's about it for right now! A new update should be ready by early July, but no promises.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna stop looking at my phone before I get carsick.

Have a good day!

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