Ch.7: Seasick of You

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(This chapter isn't the best. In fact, I think it sucks. :( I finished this at 5 am last night, but you've been waiting long enough. I'm sorry for making you wait this long. The OC in this chapter belongs to dark_alis )

~Three days later~

"I spy with my little eyes,"

"Let me guess...the ocean?" Katie asked in a monotone voice.

Barb groaned. "Yep..."

I sighed and kept staring straight ahead with both of my hands still on the steering wheel. There was still no sign of land.

I haven't had any hallucinations or vivid flashbacks for three days straight. I didn't know whether to be happy about that or terrified. It felt like my mind was waiting for the perfect moment to whack me in the skull with a lead mallet.

And I hated it...

I was the only one who knew how to sail our raft, so even if I wanted to, I didn't end up getting much sleep. On the first day, I tried to teach Barb how to steer, but she never was the best at paying attention, so that didn't go so well.

Probably because she didn't care. I didn't blame her though. It was rather boring.

The rations we packed didn't last very long. Halfway through the second day, we ran out of food, and by nighttime, we ran out of clean water. By then, I knew it was only a matter of time before things started to go downhill for us, and of course, I was right.

By the third day, we had grown so sick of each other that we barely spoke. Our current moods were changing so quickly that it was like riding an emotional rollercoaster. Barb's maturity seemed to decrease, Katheryn's paranoia increased, and my sanity felt like it was wearing thin. Plus, I didn't know how much longer I could stay awake, so I had that to worry about, too.

I didn't really realize how stressful being the queen of Trollstopia was until now. When things got tough, every troll looked to me for guidance. I needed to set an example for my people, and it was stuff like this that makes you realize whether or not you are strong enough to carry that responsibility.

I just wished these flashbacks would stop distracting me...they were only making me weaker...

I guess I was starting to nod off a bit, because suddenly I heard my sister say, "Roxy, maybe you should take your hands off the wheel for a while and shut your eyes."

I snapped my head up and squinted at her. "Huh?" I asked.

She sighed. "Sister, when was the last time you got any sleep?" She asked sincerely.

I shrugged. "I don't know, two or three days? It's not important! I don't need sleep."

"Are you sure?" she asked. "You look-"

"I know I look tired!" I snapped back. "Now can you drop the subject?"

Both Barb and Katie flinched. "Yikes," Barb mumbled. "Someone's crabby." I ignored her.

Katheryn stood up and started walking towards me with her arms crossed. "Alright...but...can you at least take off your crown for a while?" she asked.

I stared at her in shock. "Why?" I asked.

She chuckled nervously. "It looks heavy...I may not remember much about being a queen, but from my experience as a princess, I do know that even royalty could use a break from time to time." She extended her hand out to me and smiled.

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