2 - the demons attack

Começar do início

What the hell?

Vale set up, his sense returning, heart thumping quickly. He had heard of Dyrroth and seen pictures of him a million times, well aware of the story. Vale had felt bad for Princess Silvana, knowing how it felt to lose someone.

He could still remember the posters and signs when he had first gone missing, and the public's reaction when they realized that he was now part of the abyss. It must have been terrible.

And he was here. Dyrroth. No doubt conjuring another attack on some innocent people.

What should he do?


Finally, the family realized that he was not sick and perfectly healthy, (both mentally and physically). Okay, maybe not mentally, but physically? He was sure he would pass every exam.

"So you can do magic?", the mother had asked, as she watched her two children fight over cookies. It was annoying, the shouting and the banter. Vale and he would never waste time on such petty, nonsense things! Actually they would, he realized, remember their earlier semi argument.

But that was mainly Vale's fault, not his.

He nodded. "Can you show us?". Nodding again, Vale closed his eyes, summoning a tall flame in his hand. The siblings and other townspeople stopped chattering and watched in awe as it flickered, the fire alive and warm.

"That's it!", a man had shouted. "The solution to our problem!".

"Uh, what?".

"The drought", the man continued, rolling his eyes as if Valir lived here and should know all these things. "It's been plaguing us for ages! Two months to be specific! The rain has stopped, and most of the wells have dried up for some reason. Days and days we have prayed to the mage Kadita, hoping she would bless us with water, but to no avail".

"And what do you want me to do?", Valir still felt confused. "I can only perform fire magi-".

"You would visit Kadita and fix our problems! Simple".

Valir didn't know what to say. He didn't want to make the journey and actually do shit, but to be fair, he supposed, it was the right thing. That didn't stop from hesitating, of course.

"Your friend can come, if that's what you're worried about", said the mother. Valir's cheeks flushed. "He's not my fr-".

"Oh, your boyfriend? I'm sorry, I'm quite old, and tend to assume thin-".

"No! We're just, uh, traveling together", Valir shook his head furiously, cheeks even redder now. How embarrassing! He would rather eat his own vomit than date or be friends with Vale! The woman laughed lightly, and so did the rest of the crowd, causing Valir to redden even more.

At this rate, they should just sell him as an apple in the market.


"Did you see that?", Vale asked the group as they made their way up the hills to tell the villagers all was safe. "You know, Dyrroth?". Everyone shook their head, each giving him a skeptical look. He couldn't blame them of course, a sighting of him was rare, the last one being from a year ago. "Never mind", he muttered. "Maybe it was a trick of the light".

"It's not impossible", Zilong replied. Earlier, they had made introductions, and Vale soon found out that Chang'e, his sister, had threatened to cut his hair if he refused to let her fight.

Chang'e herself frowned as she petted her bunny. "Who cares? He's just a loser".

"Language", her brother scolded.

"Loser is not a curse word, Zilong".

Vale sighed. Although this strange group's skills were impressive and everyone was friendly, he felt frustrated that no one had saw Dyrroth or seemed concerned about it besides him.

"That's not good though", Masha said. "The assholes in the abyss must be planning something". Zilong glared at her, motioning at Chang'e, who smirked at Masha's oh-so-unholy language.

"The abyss is always planning something", Franco said rolling his eyes. "Who gives a shit?". Zilong once again gave a glare as Vale and Chang'e giggled. Bane, who was rather quite the entire time even let out a slight smile.

"That's not the problem though. The problem is that they're now going set the plan in action", Bane said.

"I'll just hook them all", Franco replied, sipping his beer. "The bastards got no chance against me". Zilong shook his head, obviously sinking in disappointment as Chang'e raised an eyebrow, no doubt about to put the words to use later. 

Vale almost felt bad.

Not Meant to Be (Vale x Valir)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora