2 - the demons attack

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Vale and Valir hurried down to the village to check out what was up with the screaming.

He gasped when they arrived.

Valir hadn't been really expected to find anything actually wrong. In fact, he was sure this was some cruel prank a neighbor pulled on a friend.

But nope, he was wrong. Demons were attacking the town.

Chanting a spell, Valir was about to run forward and dispose of the nearby ones ravaging through a fruit stall within minutes only to feel Vale's hand grab his hand.

"You stay here, I'll take care of them", Vale said, his face stoneless as usual.

Valir protested immediately, feeling offended. "What do you mean I should stay here? I can, you know, help out? My magic has improved greatly, and I can make my own fucking decisions, thank you very much".

Vale shook his head. "It's not safe. I don't doubt your capabilities, but it's better if you just stay here".

Once again, Valir frowned. "I-".

Vale turned to a family running away from the attacks. "Sir, can you do me a favor and watch over him please?", Vale pointed at Valir. "He's delirious with fever, very weak, hallucinating and I need to go back in to help them".

The family, (who all had kind faces), agreed immediately, ignoring Valir's arguments and grabbed onto him, taking him away from the danger. As Valir babbled on about how Vale was wrong and such, they comforted him, telling him that this would be over soon, and although it was heroic of him to want to sacrifice his health, he was better off with them.

Giving up, Valir sighed, following them.

Why was Vale such a dumbass?


It was for the best Vale decided. After all, although they could be easily killed, demons were still dangerous, and the numbers and populations of them only added pressure to fights like these.

Vale sent small tornados spiraling down the paths, knocking the creatures over, channeling his magic. The golden winds surrounded them, spinning and spinning, until most of them were either dead or injured. Around him, villagers ran, yelling and panicking, holding their belongings tightly.

Only a few people were fighting with Vale, including a spiked hair lady who ran into the battlefield without hesitation, taking all the demon's attack without so much as a flinch, a red headed man, who waved his hook around dangerously and a pair of what he assumed to be siblings, consisting of a little girl who had no business being here (Also was that a bunny in her lap? What the fuck?), and a long haired man holding a spear (Why the fuck are you letting your little sister fight, asshole?).

Also there was an octopus. He hadn't really paid attention to him, after all he was too busy watching over the girl so that she didn't somehow die, (Again, what was the brother thinking?), and wiping out monsters.

What a strange fucking group, he thought, as he worried over how much mana he had left. He was getting tired now, his head light and his attacks weakening.

Thankfully, the little girl (her magic abilities were quite impressive), and the weirdo octopus, (who had somehow summoned fucking sharks), had finished killing the last of their enemies.

Collapsing against the ground, Vale sighed, inhaling the air. Finally it was over, he thought, as he watched the blonde haired lady and redhead argue over who killed more. He was about to sit there for a little more and then fetch Valir when he caught a glimpse of Dyrroth

Not Meant to Be (Vale x Valir)Where stories live. Discover now