1 - when did it become like this?

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Vale felt like a ghost. Watching, wandering, slipping through the walls. Searching for a sign of life, of him.

When did it become like this?

When did all those cheerful moments, those days where he would run across fields, them laughing and smiling, so young and so unaware disappear? When did they all become stained remains of nothing but a best to be forgotten memory?

Vale sat under the tree, closing his eyes. Feeling dull. Feeling like shit.

Reliving the day when it all ended.

He watched from the back, eyes widened. He knew it had to happen, that it was the best for this now corrupted man to fall. For Valir's father to die.

And over and over he chanted it in his head, that it didn't matter. That it was the right thing. That how Valir felt about this was nothing, nothing to him. That Valir was nothing, nothing but a foolish boy.

But then, Valir had appeared, standing over the blood soaked body. His face shocked and scared. Rage taking over him. Flames quickly appearing, angry and wanting to kill. To avenge. 

Vale's father had nodded to him. Vale knew the signal. Knew what to do. Who to fight.

"There must be no loose ends".

Vale, mustering up all his strength fought against Valir's fire, quickly knocking him down, knowing that he was no match for him. Valir, the boy of fire. Valir, his best friend, his only friend.

It was the right thing, he repeated as Valir fell, his face ashen, eyes closed, the unmistakable pain spreading in his face. The right thing.

The right thing...


Valir walked into the bar, eyes scanning the room. There had to be information here, someone had to know.

"Ya gonna stand there all day or order something?", Bane gave him a glare.

"I'm not here to drink", Valir replied, rolling his eyes. 

"Then why the fuck are you here then?".

"Information", digging into his bag, Valir threw out a handful of golden coins. "Do you know someone named Vale? He has white hair and golden eyes. I've been looking for him, and I've heard the people here are quite informative".

Bane fell silent as he counted the coins, grinning in interest, no doubt thinking of what he could trade with his newfound money. "Go ask the fellas by table five, I'm sure they've heard something". Bane pointed at the corner of the bar, where sat a rather obese looking man and a spiky blonde haired women.

Valir nodded back politely, smiling. Heading over, he tried to ignore the shouting everywhere of the drunken people. What stupidity, he thought. Why waste so much on alcohol?

"Hello", he said, well aware of the fact he probably shouldn't be sounding so rude, but he was beginning to feel rather impatient. After waiting for so long, so long for this opportunity, everything had began to feel dull. 

The man narrowed his eyes. "Whatchu doing here?".

"Bane told me that that er, you people have heard of someone named Vale?", Valir tried to smile, but it came out as an ugly grimace.

"You mean the depressed looking white haired dude?", the lady chuckled, and Valir nervously watched her drink dangerously tilt back and forth. "Saw him headed for the hills nearby the outskirts of the village. Why, is he your friend or something?".

Not Meant to Be (Vale x Valir)Where stories live. Discover now