Chapter 11: The Hands

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Notes: Okay. I always want to make this clarification and I forget it: the seasons are changed. It wasn't my intention! I wanted to keep the seasons in the corresponding months as if the story was happening in Japan (that is, like in the northern hemisphere) but when I started writing the fanfic, I forgot. And I used the seasons as they happen here in the southern hemisphere. When I realized it, most of the story was already written and I would really have to change a lot of it, so... yeah, sorry, I guess.




By the end of September the incident had been left behind. Luffy had recovered within a few days and only stayed at Sanji's two more nights before returning home. He didn't know if Ace and Sabo finally found out about his injury. Somehow they should have seen the scar, but Luffy never told him if there were any repercussions. Nor if he had told them, at least, about his nose. Although, in light of the events, the broken nose was the least important. He had returned to his soccer classes at the Kamabakka later, when he and Ivan authorized that he could do P.E. normally. After all, a month had passed.

He was sure he would cross paths with him at the Kamabakka on that day. Law didn't usually go on Fridays, his shifts were on Monday and Thursday, but Ivan had asked him to change shifts because he had to work more hours in one of the hospitals where he worked.

Law knew that Ivan was a recognized endocrinologist and always full of work. In addition to directing the Kamabakka, he participated in many social organizations, had his own office where he worked with girls and boys who carried out hormonal treatments, and numerous prestigious hospitals that paid him enough so that he could dedicate himself to social activities.

Also, as he recalled, Ivan's husband was a well-known marine biologist who ran the city's nature reserve. They were an odd couple, full of occupations and jobs. He honestly didn't know how they managed to handle everything. He only with the North Blue and the Kamabakka already had enough for his week.

He took a sip of coffee while waving to Patty who was packing his things in the Kamabakka's kitchen before leaving. In the office he saw a note Ivan left him the day before with things that he didn't get to do. When Law went on Thursdays, he used to have a lot of people in the office because it was the first day of the week that they opened in the afternoon.

Now it was Ivan's Thursdays and he had left some pending issues written on the note. He smiled as he recognized the neat endocrinologist's calligraphy. Before, it was he who left notes overloaded with all the things he had not been able to do. Now he would have to suffer a little to be on the other side.

He texted Ace to see how Leo was doing. Since Bellamy was reported, he has been in contact with Shirohige's Home, where the boys were staying. Leo had become close to Ace and a friend to Tama. Luffy promised to see him and Law also wanted to go. He was glad that Shirohige was there for those guys. If a home like that had existed when he was a boy, he wouldn't have ended at Doflamingo's.

Although that brought him closer to Corazón. He fulfilled that role that supported him all his life.

Remembering his father brought back that conversation they had several weeks earlier. The incident with Bellamy revealed secrets that Corazón would have preferred to keep hidden and for Law it meant dusting off memories and reliving those dark moments from his past.

Corazón became strongly involved when they reported Bellamy and accompanied the children to testify. He and Luffy, Sanji, Zoro hadn't been called yet, and Corazón didn't have to give statements again, which was a relief. Law was sure this reminded him of his time helping in various adoption organizations and homes, when they had just moved in together.

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