Chapter 7: The Soccer Match

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Nota: Thanks for the nice comments in the last chapter. It was the first breakthrough in the relationship between Law and Luffy and finally, Law begins to see things more clearly. ♥




He left work and met his friends at the gate of the North Blue. It was unusual for them to have the same shift in the hospital and they decided to go to lunch at a nearby bar that Penguin knew.

"Do you order food here?" Shachi asked when they entered and chose a table.

"Sometimes when I don't feel like cooking."

The menu was short, but Law was not exquisite. The price was affordable and they had delivery, if Penguin recommended it, maybe he could order some time there.

"How was the camping trip, Torao?" Shachi said, looking at him with a mocking smile.

Law didn't notice his gesture or the nickname, he was concentrating looking for onigiri on the menu.

"It was good, it was relaxing," he replied without looking at him.

When he heard their laughter and felt Penguin laugh too, he raised his head and looked at them with an eyebrow raised.

"What's so funny?" He snapped in a murderous tone. Bepo smiled conciliatory.

"Did that boy affect you so much that you don't even notice I called you Torao?" Shachi said with a laugh.

He reviewed his previous comment and rolled his eyes when he realized it.

"I got used to it, everyone at the Kamabakka is calling me that. It stuck."

It wasn't entirely a lie, sometimes Nami, Sanji or Zoro called him so. But the nickname was clearly Luffy's property and he hadn't noticed it on Shachi's lips because he had gotten used to the sound of the word after hearing it from the soccer boy all weekend.

As they ordered the food, all the cell phones vibrated. It could not be the only group they shared because all the members were there and none of them had written. Law checked his cell phone.

Group "Soccer"

[08/10 02:22 pm] Luffy: Hi guys, tomorrow there's a match

@Trafalgar Law @Shachi @Penguin @Bepo

Are you coming?

He had forgotten that Luffy had included them in a group to play soccer. They looked at each other and for a moment said nothing.

"Tomorrow?" Penguin mused as he broke the silence. "I think I can, you guys?"

"Yes, he had already invited us before, remember?"

[08/10 02:24 pm] Luffy: Convince Torao.

He rolled his eyes when he read that message and his friends looked at him with a smile. He knew something like this would happen. He didn't want to play soccer, but he had done it at camp, and now Luffy thought he had the authority to ask him to.

"Come on, Law," he heard Shachi say. "It will be fun. At least come to watch."

"Maybe I'll just ... drop by for a moment," he replied, defeated and grabbed his cell phone to see how his friends confirmed attendance.

[08/10 02:30 pm] Penguin: Law's already on board..

[08/10 02:31 pm] Luffy: Yes! Perfect!

You play on my team, Torao.

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