Chapter 9: The Heroes' Battles

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Warnings: Use of inappropriate language (?) And references to dubious-con.

Thank you Nicky for your comments that influenced the plot of this chapter. I love you ♥




Sanji's apartment was large and clean. It smelled of fresh food in the kitchen and flowery fragrance in the living room. It was in the downtown area, near Luffy's University and it was a big building. It was nice, bright, and aseptic, but Law preferred his dark and cold apartment with its three small rooms and its white background.

"Here, it's ramen." Sanji passed him a bowl that gave off a tantalizing scent. He wrapped his hands around it enjoying it's warmth.

Sanji's kitchen was huge, it seemed like the central place of the house, packed with perfectly arranged elements and with a big island in the middle where five people easily could eat. Law had sat on a stool and was tasting the ramen with delight, grateful for that dinner after the long day he had had since he woke up with Luffy at home until he picked him up from the university after leaving the hospital.

Zoro, Luffy and Leo, the boy who had sparked that meeting, were also sitting around the island eating. Sanji served the food and when he finished, he leaned against the kitchen counter with his own bowl in hand.

"This is delicious, Sanji!" Luffy praised him with a huge smile.

Leo looked embarrassed and looked at the bowl in front of him without daring to touch it.

"You can eat," Sanji said, looking at him. "Don't worry, you've been here all day."

The boy averted his eyes and looked at him.

"But you were already very kind to me and ... I don't want to abuse your kindness."

Law looked at him with a frown. It reminded him of when Corazon had attitudes he couldn't understand or accept.

"Eat," Sanji insisted. "You already got here, nobody is going to starve to death in my house."

When he managed to get Leo to eat and everyone finished their bowls, Sanji passed out some flan desserts with cream and fruit. As soon as he tried it, he found it delicious. No bread at that dinner, it was perfect.

"Now, let's talk," Sanji snapped, looking at Law. "Who is this Bellamy guy?"

Leo shuddered and Law felt Luffy's gaze on him. He cleared his throat and drank water.

"Bellamy was a subordinate of Doflamingo," he began to explain, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Doflamingo, the Joker?" Zoro asked.

"Yes," he agreed, looking at the flan in front of him. "Doflamingo dominated the drug market at Gray Terminal and had an extensive network. When he was arrested, he left an empty place that other traffickers tried to monopolize to sell drugs. Bellamy was insignificant to Doflamingo and wasn't involved in the big business he did, so they found no evidence to put him in jail and now he must want to take his place on the black market."

"How dangerous is Bellamy?" Sanji questioned seriously.

Law looked at the boy and looked back at the cook.

"He's an idiot," he said bluntly, but clenched his teeth. "Doflamingo is very smart and handled the business with care. If they discovered him, it was because someone inside the organization... betrayed him."

He hated thinking of Cora-san as a traitor to Doflamingo, because he had never actually been part of the Joker's criminal organization. He was just his brother and he was trying to avoid Doflamingo getting too out of control. At the moment of truth, Cora-san chose Law and Sengoku and had no qualms about turning Doflamingo over.

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