Chapter 10: The Free ones and the Bullet

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Corazón put a cup of tea in his hands and sat next to him.

"So what happened?" He asked with his typical, friendly smile. "Sengoku also called me when he found out that you delivered the audios. He asked me if I was okay with that."

Law winced at the memory, but Cora-san seemed so comfortable and made him feel good in a way he couldn't understand. He should be the one to hug him for doing everything he had to do.

"We went to Fujitora's and Smoker's division and reported them. They listened to the audios with us, they took the accusation and we told him about Leo" he mentioned looking at the liquid in the cup. The heat warmed his hands and made him feel calmer at the memory of something so moving. "Now he has to testify as a protected witness, but they let him stay at Shirohige's home. After the raid on Bellamy's, all the children stayed home. When the trial begins, they will be called to testify."

"And what happened to Luffy?" His father asked, concerned.

Of course, after learning about the journey his son had gotten into, he wanted to see the crazy friends who had followed him into that mess. He even tried to go to Sanji's to thank him.

"He's at Sanji-ya's house, he's going to stay a few days," he replied feeling a little embarrassed by that.

If Luffy wasn't so stubborn, he could have taken him to North Blue to be treated accordingly. It hadn't been very wise to set up a butcher shop at Sanji's house.

"You're serious?!" Corazón's eyes widened and Law snorted. "And Garp or his brothers don't know about it?"

"Luffy only lives with Sabo, and is the one who most notices his absence. Anyway, he didn't tell them about his injury."

Before leaving Sanji's to take the audios to Fujitora's and Smoker's division with Zoro, they agreed that Luffy would stay there for a few days. The boy didn't want his brothers to find out and somehow convinced them to let him stay. Luffy was old enough and could go around by himself, and it wasn't the first time that he hadn't returned home for several days, according to what they told him, but the relationship with his brothers was very close and they always told each other everything.

"I have to go see him later to check his injuries."

"And what did they say at the Kamabakka? I imagine that Luffy is not going to teach his soccer lessons, right?"

"If it were up to him, surely," Law said with a smile. "Luffy told Ivan on the phone. After all, he is his godmother, according to him. I don't know, I didn't quite understand that."

Law had crossed paths with him in the Kamabakka that day and the man came to speak to him. They all seemed very overprotective of Luffy and he felt a little responsible for what had happened to him. Ivan laughed at his doubts and told him that Luffy would have done that for anyone he liked. He would have taken a bullet for you if he cares about you, he had mentioned and Law shuddered.

They made him take a medical leave on the Kamabakka and Zoro, Sanji and Usopp would take turns to take care of Luffy's workshop.

"Are you worried?" Corazón's voice seeped into his head and he looked at him without knowing what to say.

"Maybe a little. He recovers quickly, but he worried me at first."

Corazón smiled. He put his hand behind Law's neck and brought him against his, resting his head on his.

"I'm sorry I caused so much suffering," he said quietly, and Law's heart clenched. "If it weren't for my brother, all of you..."

He raised his hand to hug him back and felt Corazón tuck his head into his neck. He trembled in his arms and Law felt so weak.

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