Chapter 3: The Organizing

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When he arrived at North Blue the first thing he did was drink coffee. He had not slept very well that night and had been called in for an emergency operation that left him with few hours of sleep. Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo were at home, sleeping, and he watched the sunrise in the breakroom from a faded, old window.

The mist mingled with the slowly appearing rays of the sun, seeping through the clouds and the buildings like a small illuminated crevice. Law closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his face and the window. Although he was better off in winter weather, he couldn't resist a few warm little rays of light thawing his nose. His hand around the styrofoam cup warmed up and the coffee smoke clouded his vision a little.

His cell phone vibrated in the pocket of his doctor's gown and he reached in to grab it and read the message. It was the Kamabakka's group chat. He frowned. Who was awake at 5:50?

[06/27 05:50 am] Luffy Kamabakka: Hello! I was thinking about some things we could do to raise money for Tama.

A big party!

With an entrance that includes a drink and then inside we sell food and drinks. Everything at a reasonable price.

We put on music and shows. Franky and Brook can play some music. The workshops may present a performance. Get people who want to collaborate. We have many friends who will surely give us a hand.

Law raised an eyebrow as he read and finished his coffee. On the day of the fire, he had saved the numbers of all the personnel of the Kamabakka because he believed that it was more useful this way, although he didn't remember everyone's names.

[06/27 05:55 am] Trafalgar Law: What are you doing awake at this time, Luffy-ya?

[06/27 05:56 am] Luffy Kamabakka: Torao! I was about to go to bed, but I just had this idea

What do you think?

It was kind of funny imagining the giddy young man unable to sleep like him. Luffy didn't seem like someone who had that kind of problem. Surely he had stayed up late thinking about what to do for Tama. And wasting time on the cell phone.

[06/27 06:02 am] Trafalgar Law: Sounds good to me, we've been thinking about it but I think your idea has potential.

We'll have to think carefully before carrying it out.

Can we afford the expense when we have the camp so close too?

[06/27 06:10 am] Luffy Kamabakka: Damn...

I didn't think about that.

I hope Nami and Inazuma come up with something.

Law rolled his eyes. Luffy only threw ideas in the air and was not responsible for their material application. Anyway, the idea itself was not bad, perhaps not with the opulence with which Luffy imagined it, but he saw it as possible.

[06/27 06:16 am] Trafalgar Law: When the rest wake up we can talk about it.

[06/27 06:17 am] Luffy Kamabakka: IT'S SIX IN THE MORNING, OMG

[06/27 06:19 am] Trafalgar Law: Didn't you notice?

[06/27 06:22 am] Luffy Kamabakka: God, it's really late.

I should sleep.

What are you doing awake, Torao? Do you have trouble sleeping?

[06/27 06:25 am] Trafalgar Law: I'm working, Luffy-ya.

Internally he thought that he also had trouble sleeping and that it would not be unusual for him to stay up until that hour because he couldn't fall asleep, but that would never be admitted in a group chat with so many people.

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