Chapter 2

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Once they got to the subways, they walked down the stairs, and they entered. They waited for the next train. "Wow, not many people here. I would think there would be more," Nico said. 

"No, it's too early. Plus, most people at this time are getting ready for work. I have to go to the gym at 8, so I will be leaving you guys soon," (Y/n) said. "Also, tell no one about this~... Nobody really knows I actually do that stuff~... Most people think I'm a good little girl, and I would like to keep it that way."

"Sure," Uno said. "So, are you taken~?"

"Your handsome, but I only just met you," (Y/n) said, looking at her phone as she read a text from her gym couch. "Shit... I'm sorry, here is my phone number! Find a phone or something. Call me around 3; I'll be free then! My coach just said that they need me there early."

"Can we come? Can we watch you?" Nico asked. 

"... U-Umm, Y-Yeah, I guess" (Y/n) mumbled as a train came and they got on. They got off at where they needed to go and walked out of the subway. Then instead of walk, (Y/n) ran, and the boys quickly followed after her. She then ran into a building. 

"(Y/n)! there you are!" Said a middle-aged woman running up from her as she was initially sat in the lobby. "You will be warming up for an hour, and then you will perform. Okay? Go to the locker rooms and change already!" The women pushed (Y/n) away. (Y/n) then ran to the locker room and started to change into her leotard. 

"You guys must be her friends. I'll give you a front seat for the performance," The women said. "My name is Akira. I'm (Y/n)'s coach. 

"I'm Nico! This is Rock! Uno! And Jyugo!!" Nico said as (Y/n) walked out with her leotard on. 

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All the boys froze at what (Y/n) was wearing. They didn't know she had to wear that. 

"Go stretch and start practicing a few times," Akira said.

(Y/n) then walked off into the gym. She was alone there. It was too early for anyone to be there. (Y/n) had just forgotten about the performance she was supposed to do today until she read Akira's text. Akira and the boys walked into the gym at the seating as they watch (Y/n) do her stretches. 

"(Y/n) is by far the greatest gymnast I have ever coached. And seen for that matter," Akira said to the boys, breaking the silence. (Y/n) was done with her stretches and was in the middle of the enormous mat. "And she seems to really love gymnastics."

They watched (Y/n) as she started with a simple back walkover. It was smooth and perfect form. She then walked back to where she started. "Wow, she is super flexible!" Nico said. 

"Just watch," Akira said, leaning on the rims of the stands. 

(Y/n) then did three backhand strings. The boys were surprised. But every basic gymnast should know how to do that; the boys knew that much. Then she did a Quadruple Full followed by a Double Layout. "And perfect form once again~" Akira whispered. The boys were in awe. "Okay! We know you have all your flips down pretty well (Y/n)! Try the bars!" And so (Y/n) did. 

She then did flips and tricks on the bars, and the boys just stared. "Then that explains why she is so good at running~" Jyugo whispered to the boys. 

"No kidding," Uno whispered. 

"Alright! Practice on the beams now!" Akira shouted. And (Y/n) did as she was told. 

"How can she keep her balance?!" Nico said. 

"She has a perfect sense of balance in generl~" Rock mumbled. 

"You can bend her like a pretzel too, and she won't care," Akira said, looking at the boys. "Alright! That's enough! Take a break! Once you are back on that mat, you will be performing!"

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