Chapter 12

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Liang acted quickly. He attacked the doll, and it seemed as if it sensed him coming. It blocked his attack. Honey, Uno, and Trois ran up to (Y/n) to make sure she was okay. (Y/n) never answered them though, she only stared at the doll in fear. There was blood all over it!! And it was its own blood. Its skin was peeling off. She looked at her clothes to see the same blood. 

"I'm gonna be sick~" (Y/n) whispered, covering her mouth as the doll fell to the ground. The head rolled to (Y/n)'s feet. 

"Looks like you have to sever the head completely," Upa said. (Y/n) stared in fear. "Nice job getting out of the mess alone; we couldn't have done anything."

"Just let it all out~," Trois said, patting (Y/n)'s back as she started to puke. Once she was done, she looked at the head. 

"... It doesn't seem to kill you... Only to knock you out," Qi said, helping (Y/n) up. Honey handed (Y/n) a handkerchief he had. All though (Y/n) didn't really need it; she didn't have any vomit on her, thanks to Honey holding her hair up (If you have long hair). 

(Y/n) looked at her clothes. "... I smell like a zombie," (Y/n) mumbled. "... I feel like a zombie too~... Uno can I borrow that sort you are wearing around your waist. It should be long enough to cover me up." 

"U-Uh... Yeah," Uno said, handing it to her. 

"Turn around, you guys~. I'm not going to change while you are looking at me," (Y/n) said, looking at the boys. They all obeyed, and she quickly changed. 

The shirt was long but maybe not long enough. It only went right to her mid-thigh. Once (Y/n) was done, she grabbed her clothes and folded them, and left them on the side of the hallway. The boys hand a flushed face, but for Liang, Upa, and Jyugo, at the way (Y/n) was dressed. 

"Uno... You smell nice" (Y/n) said, getting a Whiff of Uno's shirt. "I'm sorry about the changing thing. Sorry, but I refuse to have blood on me unless it's my own. It's disgusting."

"... Your house is pretty messy; I wouldn't have thought you would care," Jyugo said. 

"I never have time to clean my house!" (Y/n) said, looking at Jyugo. "I have back-to-back performances; sometimes competitions, then I go spray paint. Akira always wants me to be at the gym at 8 in the morning to practice every day. I'm very busy, okay?"

"Sounds like it" They heard Hajime behind her. They all looked to see Hajime. "What are you doing wearing Uno's shirt~?" He looked to see (Y/n) clothes covered in blood. "Oh... Alright, back in your cells, all of you."

"Have you not seen the creatures walking around?!" Uno said, pointing to the dead doll. 

Hajime grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist. "You all will be safer in your cells," Hajime said. "And I can get you a change of clothes."

"Why am I always your target?" (Y/n) said, trying to pull away from him. That's when his grip got tighter and tighter. "Ow... Ow Hajime, that hurts!! Let go!" Hajime didn't replay as his grip on (Y/n) only got tighter and tighter. "Hajime, that hurts!! You are going to break my wrist!!" Jyugo realized (Y/n) wasn't kidding, and Jyugo walked up to Hajime and tried to pry his hand off (Y/n). 

"Hajime! Let go!" Jyugo said, looking up at him. Jyugo finally was able to get his hands off (Y/n), and Jyugo pulled (Y/n) back over to the group. Jyugo looked at (Y/n)'s wrist. 

"Can you move it?" Upa asked. 

"... It hurts too," (Y/n) mumbled. "But... It's not broken~." 

"Just bruise... It looks like you will have to see Dr. Okina," Qi said, looking at (Y/n) wrist as well. 

"Hajime! What is wrong with you?!" Uno shouted. Hajime didn't answer. That's when Hajime started to become bloody; he was one of the... Dolls. 

"So they can also take the form of someone else," Liang said. 

"Stay back here," Trois said. 

"We should find somewhere to take a break," Honey said. "Let's just run for now."

"Agreed," Upa said as he climbed on (Y/n) shoulders. (Y/n) slightly smiled to herself. She was happy that Upa was kind of using (Y/n) so that he didn't have to run. She was helping him. 

"Why are you on her shoulders?" Jyugo asked as they ran. 

"... Because you all are weaklings. She seems to be the only actually good athletic one here," Upa said. They ran around till they found a door. Jyugo unlocked it, and they all sat in it. 

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